Hey Baby, you slept well?

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Gideon was already waiting for us as we stepped out of the car. He grinned and began walking near to us when he spotted us. He contacted me this morning to inquire who Luna was and to learn more about her. I understood what he was trying to say.

I told him to back off because Luna is my girlfriend, and he said he understood and that he'd like to invite us to a new restaurant I'd invested in. I told him I'd come alone, but he said he wanted Luna to come as well, so I agreed.

Before getting out of the car, I carried her handbag and held her hand.

"Vince my bag"

"I'm going to carry it'' she didn't stress herself further more. Gideon walked close to us

"Vincenzo my friend, I'm glad you could make it" He grabbed Luna's hand in his and kissed it, saying, "Amore, it's lovely to meet you."

"Nice to meet you" Luna replied.

"I'm glad you and Luna made it; when you said you agreed, I feared you were trying to mislead me."

"I'm a man of my word "

"True, let me lead the way" He took us to the main building, and once we were inside, he described the restaurant's structure to us. He brought us to several parts of the restaurant, each of which included a different type of food, such as a Chinese section, a Korean section, a Japanese section, an African dishes section, an English meals section, and so on, and he planned each section accordingly.They were divided into eight parts.

Throughout the tour, he was either staring at Luna's legs or being touchy. I didn't like how Luna looked uncomfortable, so I pulled her closer to me anytime he attempts it

When we were finished, he brought us to
the Japanese area and seated us at a table
for three, implying that he would be joining us for dinner and that we would be eating a Japanese meal.

Gideon moved quickly to get a chair for Luna.


"Anything for my bella signora" Gideon said to her and she smiled back at him.

When we sat down, she placed her hand on my hand which was on the table, I look at her and she smiled back at me. I move closer to her and whispered to her

"Are you ok"

She nodded her head.

"Good, we will soon leave this place"

Gideon was just looking at us while two waiter dressed in Japan attire served our meal on the table .He cleared his throat so he could bring our attention back to us

"The food is ready"

While we ate, Gideon had one or two things to discuss, luna listened as she ate. He told her he wanted her honest review about this place, before it is open to the public next month

"Honestly, you did a great work here " Luna said

"Thank you, Vincenzo made it possible" he pointed at me.

When Gideon wanted to invest in one of my restaurant and he came to me, I told him then, that I don't need an investor, my company has passed the stage where we beg for investors, Greco's Inc invest in people's businesses not the other way around.

That he could easily set up his own and have is own restaurant and if he needs funds or an investor he can ask me. Which he did, when he was going to start, he came to my office with is proposal and it was good and I saw it as a good business so Invested in it.

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