How bad is the fight?

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Vincenzo Greco

I was sexually aroused as i left luna's office, and if i hadn't left early, I would have had sex with her in her office. luna knows that if i had waited in her office for a few more minutes, I would have taken her right away.I asked that my driver drive me home rather than to the office so that i could take a quick cold bath before returning to work. As I left my room after I finished bathing and dressing up. I heard becca voice behind me.

" You didn't go to work"

" I came to pick up a document I forgot this morning" I lied

" Ok" she paused and then look her wrist, she was checking the time " are you in a hurry"

" Are you ok Becca? "

" I am absolutely ok, I just need a
few things from you and your advice as well"

" Ok let's talk in my office, I pointed at the home office across my room " let's talk there" we entered and sat down quietly

" So what do you want"

" A studio"

I repeated after her " A studio"

" Yes a photography studio"

" What about school? You are not planning on dropping out"

" It won't affect school but-"

" No but Becca, I won't allow you leave school"

" School is going to continue bro calm down, I want to change my Majors to cinematography to focus more on photography"

"Why, I've seen your photography work, Becca, and you're good at what you do. You don't have to change your major from architecture to cinematography, but if that's what you want, go for it.

She stood up and threw herself on me " I love you brother"

" Shh, it will be ready by next week " she gave an unsatisfactory look " is that all"


" What else do you want sis"

" Isabella said there is an expansion opportunity in Japan and you will be going by the end of this week "

"Have you two being hanging out without me "

"Well, you're not always around, you're constantly in your apartment, and you hardly ever come to the mansion," she murmured slowly, her fingers twirling in the air.

"Sis, I didn't realize you missed me," I murmured, and she quickly raised her head and began shaking her head.

"I didn't say I miss you"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, well about Japan , I want to go with you "

"To sightsee?"

"No, I'm going to the Nikon headquarters in Tokyo to buy my equipment, and you're paying for it," she stated.

" You are capable of paying yourself little sister"

"I know but I love spending your money"

"I'm not complaining sister, so we will be going this Friday. "

" You are the best brother"

"I know"

" You are proud "

" It runs in the family sis"

Honestly I am happy that Becca is here with me now and talking, this is the first time after dad's death we will stay in a room and talk happily without her crying.
I picked up my phone and called Alex, he picked after the second ring

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