Where are your sisters?

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Vincenzo Greco

I arrived in Italy before my father died; I was still in America when my personal assistant informed me that my father had suffered a heart attack and had been taken to the Milan VIP hospital.

As a result, we had to return to Milan right away. That was the longest flight of my life, and all I wanted to do was get to Italy as soon as possible.

Before the plane took off, I contacted our family doctor Elaine, who told me my father needed heart surgery as soon as possible. I instructed her to fly in the best cardiac surgeon she could find.

"Henry Greco must not die; fly in the best cardiologist and cardiac surgeon you know," I instructed Dr Elaine.

When I arrived in Milan, a chopper was waiting to take me to the hospital. When the chopper landed on the rooftop of the Milan elites hospital, I dashed down to the reception using the elevator.
The receptionist didn't bother interrogating me; instead, she sent a nurse to escort me to the chalet where my father had been admitted.

When I arrived at the chalet, I found my sisters Becca and Bella sitting on the couch, and as soon as they spotted me, they ran to hug me. Dad was unconscious in the hospital bed.

"Enzo, dad isn't going to die, is he?" Becca, who was in tears, asked.

"No, he won't, Becca, remember dad always says us he's strong," Bella replied our fifteen-year-old sister, responded.

"The greatest cardiologist and heart surgeon are on their way to operate on him."

"I know, doctor Elaine told me that a team of cardiac surgeons is on their way " Becca said.

"Promise me, Dad, is not going to die like mummy," she pleaded tearfully.

I remember when my mother died ten years ago, she had cancer, it was a difficult period for our family. Dad refused to accept the loss of his wife Marta Greco; the two were inseparable; whenever you saw Mum, you would almost certainly see Dad.Becca was five years old at the time, and she had no concept of death; Bella and I, too, were shocked to learn of mummy's death.

"I promise, Becca's father will not die"

The surgery went well, but he died three
days later.

I remember having a discussion with my father the day after the surgery in which he informed me that his grandpa had handed the mantle of leadership of Greco's Inc to him and that he wanted me to take over as chairman of Greco Inc immediately. He advised me to settle down as soon as possible, find a responsible woman, and marry her.

I pleaded with him not to say that, because he can return to work after proper rest, and I would be married later . His ultimate focus is to relax and return to work as soon as possible.

My siblings and I, especially Becca and Bella, have been finding it hard. They wouldn't leave the hospital, so the doctor had to sedate them so that we could take them home.

They have refused to leave their rooms since then. I'm not sure how to deal with them, especially Becca, because despite my assurances that her father would not die, he did. It's been really difficult juggling the house and the business, so I've been working from home because any break may result in us taking a loss.

We've been getting guests in the Greco's home since my father's death was announced, and I instructed my personal assistant to receive them on my behalf.

After a brief discussion with several company directors, I'm currently seated in a sitting room someplace in the house. When Alex entered the room, he walked hallway to me and whispered to me.

"Mr Orlando and his daughter have arrived, sir," he said quietly.

"The daughter of Uncle Lorenzo has returned."

"Yes sir, you won't believe who his daughter is,"

"Alex, you still drool about models," I once caught him doing during a meeting when he visited a site on his PC to watch models in seductive lingerie."I heard she's a famous model in America, so Alex, hurry up and bring uncle Lorenzo and his daughter here."

"Not at all, Mr Greco; sir, do you recall the lady we met at the Luna orphanage in America, the owner?"

"Of course, I remember Luna," I say, recalling the lovely young lady who stepped in and looked amazing, gracefully approaching us and thanking me for bringing the items to the orphanage.

"They are here, sir," Alex whispered as he exited the room.

My entire world slowed down as she stepped into the room, her tall figure and slim
physique. Her blue eyes were serene and emotionless, like the sea. Her hair was a rich chestnut colour and was velvety smooth.
Her eyes swept the room, but she smiled when they met mine.

She remembers

I responded with a smile.

"I'm very sorry about Henry's death, Enzo," uncle Lorenzo said as he approached me.

"I'm happy you're here, Uncle Lorenzo."
Uncle Lorenzo and my father had a strong

"Where are your sisters?"

"They've been quiet since Dad died," I lamented.
I recall Becca telling me when I went to see her last night that she doesn't want to see me till dad wakes up.

"I heard you had to sedate them" he said sadly

They didn't take his death well, uncle Lorenzo, and they didn't want to leave dad's side when he died."

He let out a sigh.

" Henry's death is a huge loss; Enzo, you must now take control of the business; the Greco legacy must go on." "You know, Henry had a wonderful life," he added.

"Thank you uncle Lorenzo"

"Pardon my manners, Enzo, meet my only daughter."

"Luna," I replied.

"Vince Sorry to hear of your father's death."

"You know each other?" he said,

"Please have a seat, uncle Lorenzo, we met in New York,"

He said, as they sat on the nearest couch, "Luna, you didn't tell me."


"I only met him once, and it was a short meeting"


"Vince was kind enough to bring a lot of stuff for the kids at the New York home."

"Charitable giving runs in the Greco family; each year, Greco donates close to US$ 2 billion to charity." "Luna here manages her charitable organization," Uncle Lorenzo says, pointing to Luna.

She smiled as she said, "I appreciate it when young people give back to the needy."

"Are you planning to return to America soon?" I asked of her.

"Yea, I came back home to start an orphanage here in Milan, and I'm leaving as soon as I finish," she replied, glancing at her father.

"Wow, that's fantastic; I'd be pleased to support you with the setup, if you 're willing."

Are you sure you only want to assist her or are you simply trying to know more about her? I choose to ignore my subconscious.

"Well, after the burial," she stated.

"That's excellent, Luna here, is new to Milan," Uncle Lorenzo added.

"Perfect; after the burial, I'll show you around Milan."

"Let's talk about the funeral arrangements," Uncle Lorenzo said.

"It'll be a private service, you know, his close friends and relatives, you know, uncle Lorenzo, the last thing I want is reporters disrupting and crowding the funeral activities."

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