Are you the owner of this place?.

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I was looking forward to seeing Vince again when I awoke early on Wednesday
morning. Papá informed me yesterday that Vince would arrive very early this morning so that we could go look at some properties.

After my bath, I walked to my closet and grabbed a pink fitting gown that was an inch below my knees and not too long. I also donned a stiletto that matched.
After getting dressed, I took out the file bag with the orphanage's information. I opened it to check if my payment cheque was still inside, and then I left my room after making sure everything was okay.

I saw Veronica on my floor and she informed me that my breakfast was ready and waiting for me in the dining room. Instead of taking the elevator, I walked straight to the dining room taking the stairs.

The dining room was empty, and the only person I saw was a maid who was setting the table. Papá was not in his seat today; I assume he is still in his room. Not wanting to waste time, I sat down to eat my meal.

"Good morning, madam Luna. "


"What do you want for breakfast?"

When I saw the enticing table, I requested her to fetch me a cup of coffee and a slice of bread with cheese.

The young lady severed me and left the dining room. Rachel entered with the young maid as I was eating, and I lost my appetite.

"Good morning miss Orlando"

"Rachel," I said, nodding my head in anticipation of her next move.

" Tell Valentina to bring the basket," she told the young maid who had served me. Valentina arrived with a basket and four sets of covered plates just as she was about to leave.

I kept a close eye on what they were doing, especially Rachel. She took Valentina's basket and covered dishes and began stuffing them with delicacies from the dining table.

"Is Mr Orlando's water flask ready, Sofia?" she said of the young girl who served me.

"It's in the kitchen, Miss Rachel."

"Go and bring it, and you," she said, pointing to Valentina, "go and see if the salad is done and put it in a new basket; this basket will not contain it." When the maids left

"I see you've already taken on the role of wife, Rachel."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, miss Orlando."

"No, you don't," I said, gesturing to the basket in her hand, "where are you carrying this?"

"Mr Orlando couldn't wait to have his breakfast this morning, so I'm delivering it to his office ma," she stated.
While she was speaking, Veronica entered the dining room and informed me that Mr Greco had arrived; I told her to inform him that I would be joining him shortly.
I returned to Rachel after she had left to continue our discussion.

"So you're carrying it to his office as his?" I rose up and carried my bag, "Maid or mistress?" Rachel didn't respond, but bent her head, "you may clear my dish Rachel, I lost my appetite when you came in" I walked out of the dining room without waiting for her response.

When I stepped outside, I noticed two cars and a Range Rover. When Vince spotted
me, he came out of the range.Vince has the
type of face that can make you stop and
stare. His looks alone was enticing, aside from the fact that he was dressed well in his well-tailored suit.

"Good morning, Vince; I apologize for
keeping you waiting."

"No problem, Luna, Good morning."

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