And you feel you don't deserve one?

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"Sir, the plane has just arrived at the airport."

"Alex, make sure they're in your sights."

"Those two females are the most precious people in my life."

"I am aware, sir."

"Enjoy your temporary break, Alex."

"I appreciate that, sir."

After finishing my mail, I went to my car and drove to uncle Lorenzo's house. I opted to drive myself today, so I let Mateo off the hook for the day. I went to a flower shop and bought Luna a bouquet of daisies.

When I arrived to Uncle Lorenzo's house, I parked in the back of a Range Rover, exited the vehicle, and walked to the front door.

I was ready to knock when the door opened and Aunty Lillian appeared.

"My cara Vincenzo ciao"

"Aunty Liliana, I'm wonderful, I see you're looking lovely as usual." One of the things about Aunty Liliana is her beauty; even at her age, young models and aspiring models look up to her.

"Thank you, Vincenzo; I see you and Luna are on a date," she said, her gaze falling on the daisy flower in my hand.


"You know, an outing with two opposite sex, and I see you got her bouquet of daisies," she smiled at me.
You know, Vince, my luna has never been in a committed relationship, and I approve of whatever happens between you two."

"Aunty Liliana, I believe there has been a mix-up, luna and I are just going to meet my friends, you know she is new," she interrupted me before I could finish.

"I know, but have you considered a relationship between you two?" "I mean, you're single, and Luna is lovely, so think about it."

"Good goodness Mother, you are still here," I heard Luna say, and then I saw her approaching us, dressed in a tight short black dress and gold stilettos.

She grinned at me and said, "Vincenzo and I are just having a brief talk."

"This is where the brief talk stops, mother," she said quietly as she pushed her mother out the door.

Aunty Liliana smiled and said, "Enjoy your date."

"Mother, it isn't a date; I assume I've told it to you at least five times."

"Whatever," replied Aunty Liliana as she walked to her car; Luna waited for her mother to get in before returning her eyes to me.

"I apologize for any difficulty my mother may have caused you, Vince."

"Not at all; we were discussing something quite different." I lied . "I got this for you." I handed her the daisy bouquet.

"Oh my God, thank you so much," she said.

"Please come in, I need to put this in my room, I am  ready, I just need to take my phone and bag upstairs and then we're good to go," she said as she grabbed the bouquet of daisies and excused herself.

She raced upstairs via elevator, while I sat on a seat in the lobby, waiting for her.

She reappeared five minutes later, using the same route.

"Ready?" I inquired of her.

"Yes," she said.

As she walked out, I opened the door as a gentleman. Luna's beauty and the way she walks are two things I admire about her.

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