Why do you run an orphanage?

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Luna Orlando is my name, and I have never worked for anything in my life. I left Italy when I was five years old, without my parents, to go to the United States of America with a few maids and two nannies, Nanny Bianca and Nanny Sheila. Nanny Sheila, who was in her early thirties, family followed her to America at the same time as Nanny Bianca. Without my mother and father, we lived together as a cheerful people.

My parents make everything available. Money, cars, designer clothing, and a lot more money are constantly available. I haven't seen them in a long while. They used to video call me occasionally, but that ceased, and I don't mind.

They've stopped showing up to my birthday parties as well, and guess what? I'm still unconcerned. I never inquired why they brought their only child to America at five because they are too preoccupied to look after her.

My father, Lorenzo Orlando, is one of Italy's wealthiest men; he founded the country's largest logistics firm when I was eight years old, and when I was eight years old, he added aviation logistics to his logistics company, making him the country's second-wealthiest man; and my mommy, Liliana Orlando, is one of Italy's most famous models and the owner of her modeling agency. I suppose you now understand why they are too preoccupied to look after me.

I heard they met when my mommy was modeling for my father's company, and they hit it off right away, and I am the produce. Because of her social status as a preeminent model, my father had no option but to marry my mom right away.

My parents asked me to come back home when I was 14, but I told them I wasn't going back to Italy. In America, I am pretty well known. Because I model like my mom, but not as big as her, my parents advised I return to Italy so that my mother's agency might sign me.

People regard me as a rich girl who her parents left in America to spend their money, well, it is true.
While some look at me as a spoiled brat.

When I was 17, I started a charity organization. The organization was for orphans, infants with special needs and also people with demands. Orphans, infants with special needs, and persons with disabilities were all served by the organization. My parents were first hesitant, but my nannies were supportive.
I even invited my parents to the opening, but they could not attend because of their hectic schedules; however, they later joined the organization's board of directors.

Because my residence in America could entertain over 200 people at once, I used it for the opening ceremony. Celebrities, billionaires, and government officials were among those in attendance. And also, those who would be interested in donating to my foundation. My parents, on the other hand, sent a representative who dropped the money my parents had donated to support the organization.

When I turned 18 the following year, I established a large orphanage.
We took in about 200 children who were found wandering the streets and provided them with physical and financial support.
We enrolled them at the best school in the United States.

Now that I'm 21, the organization has grown to several countries. To be honest, I am proud of myself and people who helped me achieve my goal. The huge question that people kept asking me was, "Why do you run an orphanage?"

The reason for this is that, even though my parents were alive, I felt like an orphan because they didn't love me as their child.

The organization's board of directors advised we create an orphanage in Milan. I knew my parents were involved since they are board members of the organization, and I rely on their funds to keep it running.
I turned down the offer to open an orphanage home in Milan because I felt it would be better not to be stuck in Italy with nothing to do. Of all the places in Italy, why is it Milan?
Why not consider an organization in Venice or Florence?

I preferred not to return to Italy, Milan. I left Italy 16 years ago and have no intention of returning, either now or in the foreseeable future.
Nanny Bianca and Nanny Sheila came to talk to me after hearing about the board suggestion. They understood my reasons for rejecting it, and they persuaded me I would have to return to my home, country, and parents at a certain time.

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