I hope you like your birthday present ?

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Upon arriving home, she promptly retreated to her room to change out of her dress, while I remained in the living room, grappling with the mess I had created. I couldn't fathom why Camilla would behave that way in front of Luna and her mother. If Luna's reaction was genuine, I understood her completely. If someone treated her like that, I would react the same way.

After careful consideration, I decided to terminate the contract between my company and Camilla Bowles'. I called Alex, instructing him to inform Camilla's company about the cancellation. Reading the contract, Alex discovered a ten percent penalty for termination. I directed him to pay 15% and ensure the contract termination. Luna approached me after my conversation with Alex, having changed into more comfortable attire. She handed me a cup of juice and a tray of cookies before expressing her concern about the contract termination.

Don't end any deal because of me; it's not good for the company," she said earnestly.

"I'll do it if it causes problems, like it did between us last night," I replied.

"Problem?" Luna sat up, her expression incredulous. "You seemed indifferent to her advances."

"You were fine with it, Vince, since I don't recall you telling her off while she was groping you."

"Some people were watching, and I couldn't do anything, and you know how people interpret anything, and any small thing makes the headlines, as you know."

"Listen to yourself, Vince, that is the major reason why you should have reacted,for God's sake, Vince, my mother and I were there in front of you, and you allowed her filthy hands to touch you. Vince, that was disrespectful, and you know it"

"I wasn't, Luna. I couldn't react with people watching, and you know how things can be blown out of proportion."

"Vince, that was disrespectful, especially with us right there," she asserted, her disappointment evident.

"I'm sorry you felt disrespected," I offered, attempting to mend the situation.

"We usually apologize when we hurt each other, Vince, but this disrespect was too loud. What that woman did was simply send a clear message to me that she doesn't care if I'm there; she'll still have you."

"Luna, it's you I want and choose every time. Those situations may arise, but I'll always choose you," I said earnestly. When she remained silent, I came closer to her and squatted in front of her. "Please accept my apologies for whatever happened last night." I wanted to draw her in for a hug, but she declined.

"You still don't get it, Vince," she sighed, avoiding my attempt at a hug. "You need to wash up before touching me."

"I am sorry, Luna," I said sincerely, rushing to freshen up. Returning to the living room, I found Luna already asleep. I carried her to the bedroom, God, I love her. I knelt and carried her into the room quietly, because tomorrow is going to be another party day for all of us. Pace birthday and I know she and Isabella will be very busy.

The next morning, I was making us breakfast when I felt her arms wrapped around my back.

"Beautiful morning to you, my lady."

"Good morning, my prince charming; what's for breakfast?"

"A fast sandwich for us before we start our day."

"You know, I completely forgot about Pace's birthday today."

"We didn't get to talk about the birthday because you were mad at me yesterday."


"Ok, but I have sent Matteo to fetch her; he will be taking her to the birthday venue."

"You know, to make sure she doesn't change her mind."

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