How can he be this careless?

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Couple of days after the Mayor's Gala, photos from the event were circulating on the internet and in the streets of Milan. I stumbled on these pictures while I was at work. These pictures captured Vince and me entering and leaving the event, with the ones showing our departure attracting the most attention. Speculation arose as some articles were written about potential issues, particularly after a photograph surfaced showing Vince and Camilla at the party, where she appeared to be so close with my man.

Honestly, that was my last worry because I knew nothing was going on between them. Vince called immediately after those pictures surfaced on the internet to make sure I was alright and that I shouldn't pay attention to what the media had to say about our relationship. He apologized because he understood why I was upset with him that day at the event when I saw how touchy she was with him. I became a bit concerned again when people started comparing me with Camila, trying to determine who was a better fit by Vince's side. Of course, some chose Camila.

Several hours later, as the pictures continued to circulate, I was still at work, trying to clear my backlog from the previous week. I hadn't seen Vince since Pace's party, and it had been four days. I was certain we would meet today after those pictures that circulated in the morning. I was deeply engrossed in work when my Personal Assistant came in, looking worried and holding her iPad. I asked her what the problem was, and she hesitated, making my nerves spike again.

"Can you tell me what the problem is? You look worried," I urged.

"Some pictures are circulating again, and this time they're different from the ones that circulated this morning," she said, her words sending a chill down my spine. She passed her iPad to me.

"How can Vincenzo be this careless?" I muttered as I looked at the pictures. They were recent, and I wondered when Vince had met her and hadn't told me. There was a picture of her hugging him, and another of him pulling out a chair for her, I closed the tab because seeing them made me worried, I couldn't not sit down here and scrolling through gossip of my man.

"How can he be this careless?" I repeated, my frustration evident. I looked up to see my personal assistant's sad face. She was about to say something when her phone rang. I gestured for her to take the call.

"It's Mr. Vince," she said, then picked up her phone and replied immediately, "She is here with me, sir." She passed the phone to me; I guessed he had instructed her to do so. She then stepped out, giving me privacy to talk to Vince.

My heart raced as I answered Vince's call, my mind clouded with a mix of emotions. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself before responding. "Vince," I said, my voice carrying a hint of vulnerability, "I trust you, but those pictures... They bothered me. I need to understand what's going on."

There was a brief pause on the line before Vince's voice, filled with sincerity, reached my ears. "Luna, you mean everything to me. Camila and I only met because she was adamant about not canceling the deal, I promise. I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. I love you."

I closed my eyes, absorbing his words, desperately wanting to believe him. "You didn't tell me you were going to meet her. We spoke every day, and you didn't mention it. Vince," I replied, my voice softening, "this situation is hard for me. These new pictures seem to confirm the rumors from the first set of pictures and articles. Can we meet and talk about it in person?"

Vince's sigh of relief was almost palpable through the phone. "Of course, Luna. I understand. Let's meet. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us."

With a mixture of hope and apprehension, I agreed to meet, hoping that our love would be strong enough to overcome the doubts and uncertainties that had crept into our relationship. My main concern now wasn't Rita anymore; it was Camila.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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