Did she call in sick?

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Vince and I were extremely close a month after we resolved our argument; we saw each other after work most of the time, and he would pick me up for lunch and after work to meet with Alice, Pace, and Francesco.

He and his girlfriend Rita had a squabble a week ago when she claimed she wanted to be seen with him and he replied he didn't want to take any chances. He is still convinced that she would abandon him one day, and that everything will go wrong this time.He can't do it now, given his current status and hers as an A-list celebrity.

We won't be meeting after work tonight at the usual hangout location, but at Vince's house, where his youngest sister is celebrating her birthday.

In respect of work, it hasn't been great; I'm still trying to put up with Mr Wright's constant nagging; he makes sure that I complete the most of my work during office hours and occasionally sends me on errands.

When he gives me an ultimatum to deliver a file fast, Viola and Grey would come to my aid. "Luna, I think Mr Wright feels threatened by your qualifications," Viola would always say in a low, soft voice.

He shouldn't be, I'm not a threat, but the actual deal," I'd always grin back.

When I initially went to his office to drop off a file, he invited me to sit down and inquired how I got the link to work for this company.

I told him I didn't want to talk about it, and I was so upset that I almost said if he had a problem with me, he should see Mr Orlando.

The man seems upset with me, and he makes it clear that he has a problem with me.

I hurried out of the car and into the lobby as it came to a stop in front of papá's building.

I caught a glimpse of Abigail, the receptionist, who was concentrating on her computer. She waved at me as I rushed to catch an elevator in front of her. It's become a daily routine for her to wave at me when she sees me, and I return the wave.

Just before the doors closed, I managed to snag an open elevator. Six other people were in the elevator with me, creating two separate groups who conversed. Two persons in my department are familiar to me. It seemed like office gossip since everyone had something to say.

Before entering my own office, I waved to Viola and Grey on the office floor.

I sat down and put my handbag in the drawer before dialing papá's number.
I'm anxious since he didn't join me for breakfast this morning; Veronica claimed he didn't return home last night. After calling him 5 times and getting no response, I contacted Mr Martins to find out where papá was.

Mr Martins picked it after the first ring.

"Good morning Miss Orlando." He greeted me formally

"Good morning, Mr Martins, fast one: papá didn't come home last night, and I've been calling him, but he hasn't answered any of my calls."

"I'm sorry Miss Orlando, I guess Mr Orlando forgot to inform you, Mr Orlando is not in town right now, he had to leave fast last night, I'll make sure he contacts you as soon as he is less busy," he said.

"Thank you, Mr Martins, that will be preferable." Even if my mind wasn't at ease and won't be till I hear from papá, I said it.

Another phone beeped for his attention in the background. Vince stated hurriedly, "I'll pick you up by 4 p.m."

"No, you don't need to pick me, I will find my way"

"No I don't mind picking you"

"And I insist, you don't,remember you are the host "

"My youngest sister is the host and celebrate"

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