Do you two have anything going on?.

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As I came back to my office from the conference room with my sister behind me, I heard my secretary say, "Mr Chairman is presently unavailable, please leave a message."

As I sat in my office chair, I remarked, "You did a fantastic job in there, Bella."

"Haa, how do you deal with them men? I'm sure he knew we had canceled the contract with that company."

"He was simply getting his feet wet, Bella."

"He failed brother," she said, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I miss father a lot, and I sat in the meeting imagining what father would say and do to Mr Hayter and his department."

"You're doing well, Bella, and don't forget that we need to be strong for Becca."

"You can tell she's still grieving over her father's death since she comes home early from school and spends the entire day in her room."

"Give her some time; you remember how you were when Mummy died."

"I'm going out on Friday night," I confessed.

"You know Rita will love to follow us," she says, but why will she think it's Rita?

"It's not Rita"

She stands up straight. "You're not cheating on Rita, Vincenzo?"

"It's a complicated issue between Rita and I."

"Then uncomplicate it."

"You won't get it, Bella."

"I understand, Enzo; all I know is that Rita is insanely in love with you."

"It's uncle Lorenzo's daughter," I said, ignoring her.

"Is Uncle Lorenzo Orlando's daughter back? Is she returning to the United States?"

"No," I said, smiling.

"Wait, why are you happy she's staying back?" she inquired. "Did you have anything to do with her agreeing to stay back, because I recall uncle Lorenzo saying his daughter might never return to Italy?"

"Let's just say I gave her some advice and she obliged."

"Hmm, something is fishing right now, but that's none of my business." "Well, it will be my business if you break my friend's heart because of a new lady in town," she said as she rose up and headed towards the door. She walked away after that.

"Alex, can you give Miss Rita the usual package and don't send her only flowers and cake this time?" I requested my personal assistant Alex as I picked up my office phone.

"Sir, what should I add?"

"Do you have any ideas?"

"I'll look into it, sir."


Today is Friday, and my mother entered the room without knocking.

She turned on the room's light, and I grabbed the nearest pillow to block the ray of light.

"Why am I the last to discover that my daughter is staying?"

"Please, Mother, it is far too early for this; it is still morning." My pillow and duvet were pulled away from me by her.

"No, stand up; I phoned to use your father's plane, and your father informed me that it was in America, since your belongings were being transferred back to Italy."

"What happened to your plane?"

"My plane needs to be serviced. don't stray from the topic What's keeping you in Italy, Luna Orlando?"

"I'm interested in learning more about papá's company," I lied.

"Hmm strange," she chuckled, "you come back to Italy all of a sudden and now you don't want to go back."

"Do you have an issue with it, Mother?"

"No," she hesitated, "I mean, you're always welcome to stay."

"That's exactly what I want to hear, except if you're not pleased, I am staying."

""I'm glad, luna," she said with a smile, "so are you busy today?" "You know, we could go out and have a girls day out," she said.

"I have an appointment this evening, and even if I didn't, I'm not following you anywhere."

"Who do you have an appointment with this evening?" She inquired, and she didn't wait for me to respond before asking another question "What does the guy do? , How long have you and the friend been together?"

"Mother, it's not a date; Vince and I are going out because he thinks I'll be able to meet his friends if I stay in Italy."

"Vincenzo Greco"


"Do you two have anything going on?"

"You heard me, Mother, we're meeting with his friends."

"Do you know where you're going?"

"No, why?"

"Nothing,  can't I ask again"

"You don't need to know, mother, and please leave my room so I can freshen up."

"All right," she said, raising her hands, "I'll be downstairs," she said as she walked away with her bag.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up after she left, and then I went back to bed.

I was still laying on my bed when my mother returned with six young maids in tow, each holding a large paper bag. I instantly rose to my feet. She handed me a bag.

"Luna," she said as she took the bags from them and they walked out.

"What is this, Mother?" I said as I opened the bag she had handed me.

"I was worried you wouldn't have something to wear for your date tonight, so I went shopping for you."

"This isn't a date, Mother,"

"Whatever you do, make sure you look 
gorgeous tonight," she said as she looked 
down at her wrist, "promise you'll select an outfit from here," she said as she picked up her purse.

"All right, mom," I said.

"I'll see you soon, luna," she said as she 
exited my room.

I took a step forward to inspect the items in the shopping bag. I tossed everything on my bed and called Veronica to assist me in organizing them in my closet.

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