Are you still in love with her?

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Viola, Grey, and I ate lunch in my office during our lunch break. Within an hour, Viola had informed me a lot about our department and how things are done around here.

It'll appear as though I've been here for months.

She assured me that Mr Wright will calm down and that he was only enraged that I was given this office instead of him, as he had expected the management to do so.

Every time she asks me how I obtained this position, I always respond with another question.

I received a message from Alice at three o'clock.

Alice- lover girl, I am outside waiting for you in my white Maserati Alfieri

Luna - you are officially hired as my afternoon chauffeur, I love Maserati 🤩
I will be outside in few minutes

I put my computer to sleep and gathered my belongings. I spoke briefly with Viola and Grey, who informed me that they would be leaving in an hour.

As I passed past this floor's reception, I made my way out and pressed the elevator call button.

I walked towards the white Maserati Alfieri parked just in front of the company when I got outside, but I came to a halt when I noticed the person exiting the driver's seat.

Oh, no! I should've expected Alice to do or do something like this.

I walked towards him, not wanting to make a scene, and he smiled as he saw me approaching the car. He came around and opened the passenger seat for me as I climbed in without saying anything.

As he closed the door, he whispered, "Thank you."

As soon as he got into the car, he drove out of the company's premises.

I didn't say anything, and he didn't either, but I needed to know where he was driving me, so I requested him to pull over to the side of the road and park, which he did when he saw an empty lot.

"Are you bringing me to meet Alice?"

He said, "No, we need to talk."
He then unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to face me.

"Then you could have called me on my phone," I know that was a dumb thing to say, because he did call and leave many messages on my phone, and I didn't answer any of them.

"You know, Luna, that's what I've been doing since Friday night."

"Well, it doesn't change the fact that you and Alice tricked me, and when I see her, I'm going to pounce on her."

"She didn't want to do it"

"Then why did she do it?"

"The only reason Alice did this was because she is currently shopping for her Alfieri Maserati, which I will be paying for."

"What? ,You bought her a Maserati so you could talk to me."

"Well, you weren't speaking to me, and I needed to schedule a meeting with you."

"Vince," I murmured, lowering my head.
He's mad; I'm sure he won't take a financial hit, and I'm sure this is Alice's way of punishing him.

"I'm sorry, luna, I made a mistake and you refused to talk to me."

"I'm not going to forgive you until you explain why you were so angry on Friday."

"All right," he said, but the beep from his phone cut him off. "I'm sorry, but I have to pick this; it's my personal assistant"

"Yes, Alex," he barked at his personal assistant, "I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Do you mind if we do this in my office?" He stated as he hung up the phone. He spoke in a gruff, low tone.

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