what precisely do you want Luna?

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I didn't say anything on the drive to the hotel, I believe Vince and his sister Becca knew I wasn't in the mood and avoided engaging me in conversation. I got out of the car as soon as it came to a halt in front of the hotel, walked straight to my room,
changed into my night gown, and went to bed as planned. Even when Vince tried to talk to me, I feigned to be sleeping until I actually fell asleep.

Vince was not in the room or on the bed when I awoke the next morning; all I found was a note on his side of the bed.

I grabbed the note to read it out of curiosity.
"Please don't be mad at me; there's a package on the coffee table. Come have breakfast with me. Alex is waiting for you downstairs to bring you to me."

I got up and walked over to the coffee table after reading the message. I took a look at the package, which was a huge red rectangular box with a silk dress carefully folded inside. I took it out and hoped it was the right size for me. As I was removing the silk dress, I noticed a box of shoes, which I opened to reveal a pair of TOM FORD Padlock silver heel sandals.

After putting out all of the outfits in the bed, I walked to the bathroom to bathe. It took me an hour to be dressed and ready for breakfast. When I got downstairs, Alex was waiting for me, just as Vince had stated in the note. When he spotted me approaching the car, he dashed up to it and opened the rear door for me.

"Miss Orlando, good morning." Alex greeted me as he climbed into the car and drove away from the hotel premises.

"Alex, good morning. "I thought we agreed to call each other by our first names." I greeted him and wondered.

"We didn't come to a decision that day ma, and I can't address you any other way as long as I address Mr Greco as Mr Greco."

I rolled my eyes, he behaves like his boss.

" Miss Luna" Alex called my name as he handed me a another note

Remember when I told you in Italy that we will give the media what to talk about when we get to Japan.

That was the only thing written on the paper; only Vince knows what he's up to this time. I wanted to ask Alex out of curiosity, but I know he won't tell me.

Alex arrived at the airport, drove down the runway, and parked in front of an airplane a few minutes later. He then ordered me to wait inside the car while he opened it for me. As he pushed open my door,

"Are you ready?" he asked. Before I could ask what he meant, I was flooded with camera flashes as many paparazzi attempted to take different shots of me.

Some were posing various questions, such as

Is Vince Greco the man you love.

Are you the reason he broke up with Rita broke up

Are you pregnant

They all talked at the same time, and then I felt a touch on my shoulder, which I mistook for Alex's, so I whirled around to see Vince standing behind me.

"Hey love"

"Vince, what's going on?" I asked quietly.

Then he murmured in my ear exactly what he had written on the letter Alex had given me in the car.

"Remember how I said in Italy that when we go to Japan, we'll give the media something to talk about?"
"Let's give them something to talk about," he said as he turned me around, kissing me. As the paparazzi rushed to photograph us, the flash lights increased, as Vince kissed me.

"Let's go" He pulled me closer as some men in black suits made way for us to inside the plane.

With the way the paparazzi were attempting to take photographs of us we successfully boarded the plane. As the plane took off, we sat down and fastened our seat belts; once the plane was balanced in the air, I unfastened the seat belt.
He stood up and pulled the curtain away behind me, revealing a table of delicacies. Vince took my hand in his and walked me to the table.

"So where are we heading to?" I said as we settled down

"We're going back to Italy, and when we get there--" I interrupted him.

" What of our luggages "

" Becca and Alex are going to bring it for us" I looked around and saw Alex was not inside the plane

"Vince, you can't simply do things like that; I haven't even purchased gifts for Alice, Papa, or my other friends at work "

"I'm sorry " He apologized

"I know we're scheduled to leave today, but I was planning on going down to town first thing this morning to get them some things." Vince, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but you should inform me before making any decisions." I know I'm being dramatic, but these are little things that, if overlooked, could cause issues in a relationship.

"You don't like the suprise?"

"No, I love it, but"

"You won't add a but if you like it, luna."

"Please, Vince, try and understand what I'm saying."

"I am sorry Luna, I took a decision without thinking, a decision I planned instantly after hearing my girlfriend crying in the bathroom yesterday because she is jealous or thinks I am going to break up with her." Vince said, raising his voice, "what precisely do you want Luna?"He continued talking since I didn't respond, so he stood up and crouched beside me, taking my hand in his and holding it tightly.

"See, I know I screwed up when my ex-girlfriend boarded the plane with us on Friday, but I just want you to know that Rita will not be a problem in our relationship; it would be so dumb of me to go back to Rita when I have you in my life, regardless of how long I've known her. I don't give a damn because Rita is my past and you are my future, which is why I am proud to show the world you are mine. I can't imagine you abandoning me, let alone me abandoning you."

" Vince"

"Luna, I stood outside the toilet last night, overhearing your conversations with Alice, hearing you cry and not being able to come inside the toilet to console you, and when we got back to the hotel yesterday, you completely ignored me, do you know how afraid I was that we'd wake up this morning and you'd say you wanted a break?" Oh no

" Vince I don't think I can imagine breaking up with you" I said and he smiled

"Then allow me to love you, and please don't let my past relationship ruin our beautiful relationship." I pulled him up and hugged him.

"I'm sorry I overreacted," I remarked while hugging him.

"No, you didn't overreact," he said. "I saw what happened at dinner yesterday, Luna, and I would flee if I was the one. I just want you to know that I will never leave you and return to Rita." He urged me to seat back when we had moved away from one other, and he returned to his chair, and we began eating.

Vince and I played games, listened to music together, took photos of sunsets above the clouds, we even had sex and he also read books to me on the long flight back to Italy.

We talked about Loretta while gisting, and I told him that meeting her is my greatest fear. Either she despises me for how I treated her mother, or she accepts me as her big sister. I asked Vince if I could visit her as soon as we arrived in Italy because I had no idea what his plans were, and he agreed. I knew made him cancel any plans we have for today.

When we arrived at the airport in Italy, we were greeted by a swarm of reporters eager to interview or photograph us. They kept asking us questions, and we didn't respond.
I spotted Matteo, Vince's driver and my personal assistant Joan Lambert with some men in black suits, similar to the ones I saw in Japan, rushing to us and clearing the way for us so we can enter the car. Vince kept a tight grip on me until we could get into the car.

"You two have been the talk of the town since morning." As Vince and I entered the living room, my father said, and I was about to respond when I saw my greatest fear sitting near him. She was a split image of her mother, except she had my eyes and hair color, and she resembled her mother in every other way.


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