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Luna Orlando

"Why are you so upset, Luna? Do you expect me to tell you that, hey Luna, your mother had an affair with her bloody bodyguard and your father found out and moved you out of the country so your mother won't take you one day when he is on a business trip? Then he moved on with Rachel, a maid, slept with her, and they had your half sister, Luna Orlando, how exactly do you expect me to tell you that? "I got out of bed and walked up to her.

He left the bed and walked up to me, leaving some space between us. "I love you, Luna, but that story wasn't mine to tell. I'm leaving now because you asked me to leave because you want to be alone." I was close to tears again

He moved closer to me and gave me a  peck on my  forehead.  " Goodnight Luna "  Then he left. 

Vince didn't deserve to be treated this way, I began to cry. Even when I told him I loved him and I told him it doesn't matter. I was on the verge of getting my car key and driving to his place to tell him I didn't mean what I said.

My phone vibrated, and I dashed to it, hoping for a message from him. Instead, I found a message from Alice, which disappointed me.

" I am coming over, Vince asked me to come over."

He still thought about me when I asked him to leave. I called Veronica to inform her that Alice is on her way and she should bring her to my room when she arrives.

Few minutes later, Alice walked in magnetically into my room. when she saw me, she ran to me and gave me a tight hug. Tears were threatening to fall again.

" Everything is going to fine Luna"

" Are you sure, Vince left angrily "

" And he asked me to come over because he is worried, what happened between you two "  she asked and I explained everything to her, from mother's visit to when Vince came and I asked him to leave.

"He is not mad at you, he just gave  you the space you wanted "

" I was not thinking I was just mad at him for keeping secrets , Alice I deserve to know the whole truth even if it hurts, but he kept it from him "

" That story was not his to tell" she said the same thing Vince said.

" Listen Luna, I  once told you Vincenzo knows a lot of things and pretends he doesn't know, that is Vincenzo for you, he wouldn't have kept the story from you "   I felt so stupid after all , I shouldn't have shouted at him or asked him to leave. Vince ran to my house immediately he saw my Missed call  that shows he cares for me.

" Luna, if it was a secret that wasn't involving your folks he would have told you"

"I feel so stupid" I stood up and walked to the window

"Awwn Luna everything will be alright"

"He told me he loves me and I still asked him to leave"

" You did that because you were angry at him " 

"Was this why he called you, because he knows you can talk to me Because it is working and I feel angry at myself now Alice, I walked him out of my room " she stood and walked to me, then she pulled me closer for a hug

"Don't beat yourself about this, I am sure Vincenzo Greco saw this coming and by tomorrow morning you yourself would have forgotten today happened."

" I miss him already "

" And I am sure he is thinking about you now" she pulled me back to the bed " you need to go the bathroom while I make you a quick food, I saw a mini kitchen on this floor or I call Veronica to make us one "

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