Don't stay mad at him.

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Luna Orlando

As we found our way into the hall, the paparazzi bombarded us with questions:

"Luna, you look stunning! Look here!"

"How do you feel about Rita Michael?"

"Are your parents going to divorce?"

"What's your relationship with your father's mistress?"

"Mr. Greco, when are you two getting married?"

"Miss Orlando, you look fat. Are you pregnant?"

I almost tripped when that man asked that question, but thankfully, Vince was holding my hand and quickly pulled me closer to him. Then he whispered in my ear, "Are you all right, Luna?"

"Yes," I replied, though truthfully, I wasn't sure. The question caught me off guard. We entered a room filled with guests already seated. Some turned their heads to stare as we walked in; I squeezed Vince's hand as they continued to watch us. Vince smiled and tilted his head. We were then escorted to our front-row seats. Vince pulled out a chair for me and took the seat beside me, kissing my hand.

"That's the Mayor on stage, giving a speech before the auction starts," Vince informed me, nodding toward an elderly gentleman reading from a piece of paper. After the Mayor finished, he was joined on stage by a man and a woman.

"It's time to start the auction," the Mayor declared as he handed off the microphone and walked away from the podium. Vince was called on stage a few minutes into the auction, and as he got up, numerous cameras were pointed at him. Before he left, he said, "I'll be right back."

Vince was led to the podium and given a microphone.

"Greco's Inc is known for giving back to the community, and by God's grace, my family has never failed to do so. It is important to give back to the needy, help the defenseless, and support the community, as I learned from Michael Greco, my Great Grandfather. So, last year, my father, Henry Greco, began a project, but he died just as it was about to be completed. The Four in One Amenities was the name given to the project. What are the features of the Four in One amenities? Greco Inc built a well-equipped hospital, a library, a school, and finally, a recreational center for everybody, with the support of the Mayor, who accepted the project's proposal. The Four in One Project was constructed on a 6-acre plot of property in a desirable location."

The audience stood up and clapped; some remained seated after clapping while others stood up.

"When the Mayor went to inspect the completion of the project, he suggested that it be named after my father, Henry Greco. On behalf of my family and me, we would like to express our gratitude to the Mayor and the community for recognizing my father's efforts and naming the Four in One amenities after him."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present Henry Greco Amenities," he said as he turned to face the large screen behind him. The project began to be displayed on the screen, and when it was finished, everyone in the audience, including myself, stood up and applauded Vince as he walked away from the podium and returned to where we were seated.

"That was a lovely speech," I said as he pulled me in for a hug.

When the auction ended, people were allowed to roam about, and most couples went to the dance floor to dance to the soft music being played.

"Mr. Greco," we heard his name, and we turned back to see the Mayor behind him.

"Mayor, congratulations for yet another successful Gala."

"I will have to thank you and your family for making it successful and thank you for the help you granted to my niece."

"You have thanked us enough," the Mayor turned to me and extended his hand.

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