Why not Venice or Florence?

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I chose to call my father today because I miss him deeply, and it saddens me every time I think about him and my mother, wondering why I can't receive their love.

"Buongiorno, Papa," I greeted my dad in Italian. Even though I didn't grow up in Italy, my father insisted that I learn Italian and a few other languages, and I am fluent in Spanish, German, French, and a few other languages.

"How are you doing, Luna Orlando?" he said, his usual businesslike demeanor.

I didn't respond to his question. "Hey, Papa, è passato molto tempo da quando parliamo," I said. "Hey, it's been a long time since we spoke."

"Luna, sono stato occupato," he replied. "I have been very busy."

"Quindi, Papà, il tuo lavoro viene prima e io ti seguo," I responded quickly, because if I didn't, he would continue by telling me about all his accomplishments since the last time we spoke. "I understand, father, that your work comes first, and I follow."

"Non dire quella, Luna Orlando, tutto quello che fanno papà e mamma è per te," he insisted. "Don't tell me that, Luna Orlando; everything your father and mother do is for your benefit."

"Non dire quel, Papà. Beh, non sono ingrato e non negherò il fatto che non mi sono mai mancati i soldi, Papà," I replied, tears welling up in my eyes. "Don't say that, Papa. I'm not ungrateful, and I won't deny that I've never lacked wealth, father."

"Vedi, Luna, grazie per la comprensione sempre," he remarked. "You see, Luna, thanks for always understanding."

"Sai perché continuo a capire, Papà?" I let out a sigh into the phone. "Do you know why I keep getting it right, Dad?"

"Perché tu e la mamma non siete in grado di darmi quell'amore genitoriale che desidero, quindi non mi preoccupo di questo," I informed him. "I don't worry about it," I informed him, "since you and mother are incapable of providing me with the parental affection I desire."

"Don't say that, Luna Orlando," he pleaded. I overheard his personal assistant telling him he had a meeting in 5 minutes as he was speaking.

"Vai, Papà, io sono sempre la seconda priorità," I said. "Father, I am always the second priority, go," I told him.

"Don't start again, Luna. When I'm done with this meeting, Luna, we'll pick up where we left off and talk about the orphanage's opening in Milan."

"Non abbiamo bisogno di Papà, dillo alla donna che mi ha fatto nascere. Dico ciao," I stated firmly. "We don't need to, Father; just say hello to the woman who gave birth to me."

This is how we talked every time I rang my father; at least he answers the phone; on the other hand, my mother is never available to take my calls. Either her personal assistant will take it up and inform me in her terrible Italian accent.

"Signora Luna cara, la signora Liliana non è disponibile a rispondere subito alla tua chiamata. Puoi chiamarla più tardi, e se la chiami più tardi e lei non è ancora disponibile, vuol dire che devi chiamarla domani," her assistant would say.

"Luna, my darling, if Madam Liliana is not available to take your call right away, you can contact her later; if she is not accessible after that, you will have to call her tomorrow," her assistant translated in a heavily accented Italian.

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