Mr Hayter, did the chairman approve it?.

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I left the office after Vince departed to look for papá, and I found him in the sitting room reading over some files, I believe the ones Vince brought. I coughed, then sat down in front of him on a stool.

"What do you want, Luna?" he said, hisgaze still fixed on the files in his palm.

"So, papa, I was wondering if I might use your plane." He quickly looked up and tossed the paperwork on the nearest seat.

"Are you going back?" He stuttered, and I could see the fear in his eyes

"So I've been thinking about going back, and Vince and I talked about it," papá said, smiling. "Wait, papá, did you ask Vince to ask me to stay back?"

"No, I will never do it," he asked emphatically.

"Are you certain?"

"Luna," he said, raising his right hand. I didn't ask Vince because the last time you found out I snooped about your charity, you were furious, and I can't take you getting upset at me, Luna."

"OK, daddy, I'm staying, and I want to work for the firm," he said nothing, and I believe he is still processing what I just said.

He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Luna, you're not going, and you want to work for the firm. Thank you, Luna, I assure you won't be disappointed, so what do you need the plane for?."

Papá I haven't spoken to Nanny Bianca and Nanny Sheila about returning to this county, so if they agree, could you find work for their husbands?"

"That won't be an issue."

"Thank you, papá; any of them who accepts will return with the plane and my belongings."

"Ok, luna, when do you want to come back to work so I can give a huge reception?"

"Well, why don't you put me as a junior staff member, that way I can learn how things operate and earn my promotion."

He gave me a disapproving look and said, "No, that's not happening, you're the heiress to that corporation." "And you won't be working as a rookie staff member; instead, you may begin by supervising all of the directors."

"Papá, it's only for me to understand how the company works, and please don't pay me any extra attention in the office; I'll go for an interview, and they'll give me what I deserve."

"You want to place Mrs Larson in a compromising situation because after she finds out who you are, she will search for a high-ranking position and give it to you, not when Martins is in the room during the interview."

"Then place me in a position yourself; I won't have to face the interviews, and you know I'll be able to start as an intern."

"Intern, Luna you know how interns are being treated"

"Papá, I'm aware." I recall volunteering to work at one orphanage home before starting mine, and the owner and manager did not treat us volunteers properly; even the employees did not let us off the hook; we were expected to complete their tasks.

"Papá, I know, and you won't pay me a visit in the office during my time there," I said, pointing to him. "I come looking for you, you don't come looking for me."

He let out a long sigh.

"Papá, it's either deal or no deal." I had a feeling he'd cave in.

"Deal," he said with a smile, "you know you remind me of your mother; when I first met her, she knew how to make me do things against my will."

"Do you still love her, Papa?"

"Who wouldn't love your mother Liliana Orlando?" "Luna, when I first saw her in her early twenties, I told Henry Greco I was going to marry her, Liliana was gorgeous in her youth, and she's still stunning"

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