So, are we enemies or friends?

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We arrived at the location where we would meet his friends a few minutes later. We got out of his car and walked straight inside the building; when we arrive to a door, we saw some men in suits waiting behind it, who unlocked the door without asking any qu

"It's a loft, so we turned to our hideout," Vince revealed.

"Indeed—- "A woman who jumped on Vince and two males who were there watching the drama cut me off.

"Vince yelled, "Alice, stop acting like a child!" I stood there watching him tussle with her, laughing at their performances.

"Please don't refer to me as a child,"
she urged.

"Alice, you have stop."

"That's why I'm going to keep jumping on you whenever I see you, because you keep calling me a child," he continued to struggle with her, and she eventually relented. "All right, I'll give up."

"Let me introduce you to luna, luna orlando," Vince goes on to say and Alice unexpectedly appeared in front of me and grabbed me into a hug.

"I'm thrilled to finally meet you; I've heard so much about you."

"So, are we enemies or friends?" I sarcastically inquired.

" Without a doubt, friends, my God, I love your gown; isn't this from HMS's most recent collection?"


"You have a direct connection to her because this dress is not yet for sale."

"It is something my mum does."

""When it comes to fashion, Aunty Liliana will undoubtedly find her way." She also refers to my mum as Aunty.

"Hey, you can postpone the girls' conversation for now. I'm Pace Amato," one of the other males in the room said, stretching out his hand to shake mine, and we exchanged pleasantries after that.

"It's great to meet you, Luna Orlando." 

"It's the same here, and Francesco is my friend."

"Hey, I can talk," he jokingly patted his friend on the head, "Francesco Regio at your service." he bowed is head Jokingly, holding my hand

"Nice to meet you," he said, winking at me. "I've heard a lot about you, but don't worry, they're all good."

"Don't flirt with her" Vince yanked my hand away from Francesco's and slid a chair next to him so I could take a seat.

He grinned at me and said, "It's ok lover boy, I mean no harm." now this is the Casanova in the group

I sat and watched the four friends converse; most of the time, they tried to involve me in the conversation, and Alice and I chatted about girly things, and the guys would jokingly interrupt us.

After that, I knew Alice and I would become friends; we spoke as if we had known one other for a long time. It was teased about by the guys as well.

I learned that they all gather here on Saturdays or any other day when one of them is having a  bad day, and that this has been their secret sanctuary since they were teenagers; they enjoy it because they believe they can do anything here without the paparazzi snapping photographs of them.

"I heard Rita is back, well, I saw it on the news and in this low-brow magazine, well, it's not like I care, which you know I don't." Well, whomever this Rita is, it's clear that Alice and Pace don't like her based on their expressions.

"Do you have to make it clear that you despise her, Alice?" Francesco joked.

"I don't detest her; I'm not a fan of hers, and I despise what she did to Vince," she responded.

"She didn't do anything," Vince instantly defended Rita.

Alice put her palm on her face and replied, "She did."

"She didn't, and even if she did, you guys know why she did," he said, and I knew he and Rita were either dating or in a relationship because of the way he defended her.

Francesco said, "Wait, are you two back?"

"Guys, that's complicated, and you know it," Vince replied, puzzled.

This is the first time I've seen Vince appear perplexed in all the weeks of knowing him.

"I keep asking you to uncomplicate that crap bro, she couldn't even make it to your father's funeral," Pace raged. I could tell he was more enraged than Alice and Francesco, and I could see it in his face and voice.

"Please, let's forget about her." , Alice stated.
After that, no one brought up the Rita girl again. Vince, on the other hand, was withdrawn; he still didn't say much to his friends, only a few short words and responses.

When we were all set to go, he just strolled out and waited for me in his car, while Alice made sure we exchanged greetings, and the three of them escorted me to the car, where an enraged Vince was waiting to drive me home.

He didn't say anything even on the way back to my house. I could tell he was upset by the way he clutched the steering wheel.
I became enraged as well, and all I wanted to do was hurry home and forget about the night. I'm envious of whatever Rita is because of the effect she has on Vince.

Why are you upset? You didn't expect a man like Vince to not care about a girl's problem, and you aren't dating, so don't act like an envious girlfriend.

I put the notion out of my mind; I'm not envious and can't feel jealous; Vince and I are just friends.

I knew he intended to get down to open my door when I arrived at the mansion and he parked, so I pushed the door open and marched inside.

I didn't respond when he shouted my name and told me to wait; instead, I marched straight into the home. 

Luna and Vince had their first fight

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