Should we continue, Mr Maxwell?

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Vincenzo Greco

"Mr Maxwell, are you telling me that the news we heard in Milan isn't true?" I inquired as I entered his office and proceeded to his desk to take a seat in his chair.

"False information, Mr. Greco." He stuttered as he trailed after me.

"So, if we go to every Greco store in America, every goods there are the same price as it is anywhere else in the world," I smirked at him.

"Yes, Mr Greco,"he says.

"Mr Maxwell, please sit," he said, paused before taking his seat."My grandfather despises dishonesty, my father becomes enraged when people are dishonest, and Mr Maxwell, do you know what I do to any dishonest Greco Inc employee?"

I didn't expect him to answer because he's a liar. My father asked me to come down to America after we discovered that the prices in American stores were significantly higher. My father initially assumed that the price list was being changed by a store manager, but when we discovered that there were more than four stores, we knew where the problem lay.

"I sack them, Mr Maxwell, and I make sure they suffer." Mr Maxwell was already sweating on his seat, "so, for the last time, are all the goods in all Greco stores sold at the same price?"

"Yes, sir," this jerk thinks I'm bluffing about going to every store to check.

"OK, no problem, may I call your secretary on your office phone?"

I dialed his office phone and instructed the secretary to summon the people outside.

Within 2 minutes, they had all marched in with polythene bags filled with goods from all of the Greco stores in America.

"Thank you gentlemen, you can place them on the table there," I said, pointing to the long table near the door, and all nine men obeyed. "And you guys don't have to go yet, because you will help me clarify some things with honest Mr Maxwell," I added.

After they had placed all of the polythene bags on the table, I asked Mr Maxwell to stand up and accompany me on a walk to see the goods.

"So, my personal assistant and chauffeur went to various Greco stores in America to buy some party supplies and cleaning supplies; let's see what they found."

"Alex and Mateo hand over your receipt to me."

After examining the two receipts, "Mr Maxwell, these receipts are $200 different."

"Have the two receipts, Mr Maxwell," I said as I handed him the two receipts.
Mr Maxwell was already trembling where he stood. "Mr Maxwell, you can have your seat, I see you can't stand the wave."
Mr Maxwell quickly sat on the nearest chair beside him.

I motioned to two of my bodyguards as they approached with the polythene bags in their hands, "Liam and Henry, can you display your items and receipts as well?"

They gave me their receipts as they took the same items out of the polythene bags.
"Mr Maxwell, Liam, and Henry also went to a different store to purchase the same Jewelries and footwear and guess what Mr Maxwell, these receipts are a thousand dollars different, isn't that on a high price?"

"Should we continue, Mr Maxwell?" I asked, handing him the receipts as well.

"No, please," he exclaimed, "what do you want, Mr Greco?"

I smiled as I motioned to my personal assistant to escort everyone out so Mr Maxwell and I could talk. Before my personal assistant left, I told him to send a message to every store manager in America that a promo must take place tomorrow in which every customer who purchases any goods with their Greco pay card receives a 50% discount. They all then exited.

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