Is Luna moving out?.

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Luna Orlando

After leaving the Greco's house, father and I headed to a restaurant for lunch. We departed right after we finished eating since Papa said we needed to meet my new employees. I attempted to persuade him not to hire someone while we were in the car.

"You'll need your own bodyguards, a driver, and maybe a personal assistant."

"I don't need a bodyguard, I'm OK with a driver; no one is going to hurt me, and why would anybody want to hurt us?"

"I didn't say you weren't safe, Luna; listen to me, Luna; I'm not going to let my only daughter wandering through Italy alone."

"I'm never going to win this argument, am I?"

"No," he said,as he pick up his phone that was ringing"Yes, Martin," he snapped at martins on the other end of the line. He
hung up after saying, "We will be at the mansion in the next 10 to 15 minutes."

He groaned as he said, "Your mother has

"Is this supposed to be happy or sad news?"
I wondered.

" Luna," he warned me.

"I'm serious, father, I don't believe I know who that woman is."

"Just be nice to her; your mother is going through a lot right now."

"Well, father, I don't believe that, she's constantly here and there, I don't believe that, and please stop trying to make her appear nice in my eyes," she says.

"Don't say that, Luna," he said quietly, "even if your mother and I are having some problems." "Which we are going to solve," he said, holding my hand and looking at me.

"I knew you and mother were having problems, tell me father, is it because of Rachel?" I questioned, but he kept quiet.I murmured to him, "Papa, you and Rachel aren't in a relationship, right?" "Answer me, dad," he hesitated before he could respond.

Then he responded, " No ", forcefully.

"Thank you daddy," I said, smiling and patting his hand.

"Luna, promise me you will be nice to her"


He paused before responding, "Your mother."
Better, Even though I knew he was referring to Rachel.

The car came to a halt In front of the mansion "Promise me, Luna, that you will consider staying in Italy."

"I have a life in America, father."

"Please consider it."

"It's time to face Liliana Orlando." I said as dad and I walked to the door

When we arrived at the mansion, mother was in the sitting room, doing what she does best: yelling at a staff. She dismissed the staff when she saw we were there.

One will think my mother is a vampire, since she does not age and appears to be younger than her age.

"Hello, mum," I said as I waved at her.

"Don't be rude, Luna; is this how you welcome your mother, I haven't seen you in nine years?"

"It's 10 years mother," I corrected her, stressing the last word.

"You see, and you stand there waving at me, don't be ridiculous luna," she says as she extends her arms wide. "Come and give your mother a hug," she says as she walks closer to me and pulls me into her arms.
I spoke in her ear while she was in her arms.

"Listen to yourself, Mother, you claimed
you haven't seen your own daughter in ten years, you are ten years late Mother,"
I stretched out the last word. When I
uttered that, she gasped and then
immediately let go of me.

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