When is she going to start?

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Papa's office section was large enough to house a complete company, including Mr Martin's office, the receptionist's office, the secretary's office, a kitchen, a tiny conference room, as well as his own office.

Mr. Martins gave me a tour of the office and introduced me to everyone. Vince and Papá were the first to enter the office as Mr Martins introduced me to the staffs .We entered Papa's office following the introduction. Father was already seated in his seat, and Vince sat on one of the office sofas, so I took a seat infront of Papa's desk. Mr Martins, on the other hand, stayed standing.

"Why am I just hearing about the president position?"

None of them responded, "Perfect, then I won't accept that offer, since you guys think it's okay to throw obligations on me without informing me."

"Luna, I felt it was a good idea after hearing about you and Wright incident, that shouldn't have occurred in the first place, I can't believe my daughter was ridiculed"
I wasn't ridiculed papa

" Luna, uncle Orlando is right," Vince replied as he rose up and approached Papá's desk. "What occurred between the two of you should not have happened; I have seen and heard how you control the orphanage homes back in the United States, and this position given to you is what you can do." I know Vince didn't like the idea of me working as an intern in the purchasing department, and I remember him saying that I could learn the work while still being a boss.

"You should be a motivational speaker," I joked.

He grinned and said, "I'm serious Luna, Uncle Lorenzo knew if he informed you, you wouldn't have shown up or you'd reject the offer."

"At the very least, you should have given me a heads up, and all of you should stop hiding things from me, I hate it when you do it."

"I'm sorry, Luna," Papá said, "you know how glad I am to see you in my office; I was worried you would never enter."

"Mr Martins pointed down and said, "Mr Orlando, now that her office is on the next level, she will be coming to your office more regularly."

That means I'll have to change offices and won't be able to see Grey or Viola.
" Do I get to move offices?" I asked of Mr. Martins.

Mr Martins responded instantly, "Yes Miss Orlando." What will happen to our lunch break if I won't be able to visit Viola and Grey on a regular basis?

"Miss Orlando, the news of your appointment will be all over this evening." Mr Martins said, almost as a warning, "So you'll have your own security team- "

"But- "

"Miss Orlando, they'll be all over you as soon as they find out you're Lillian and Lorenzo Orlando's daughter."

"Luna, I promise it's only a matter of time," Papá assured me. Vince had just given me a nod when I looked at him.


Mr Martins took Vince and me to my new office, which was on the floor below Papá's, when we finished at Papá's. The setting was similar to Papa's floor, but not same in layout.

Mr Martins showed me my team and informed me that I may add to it at any time, and that any member of the team could be removed. I felt dissolving the team was early.

He showed me my own office, which was similar to Papá's but not quite as large. Mr Martins left after the introduction, leaving only me and Vince alone in my office. I strolled up to my desk and circled it before sitting in my chair, seeing myself sending out orders beginning tomorrow.

"Luna," Vince said as he stood beside me, bending down and taking my hand in his.

"I'm sorry," he said, and I'm not sure why he apologized.

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