When was the last time mum visited?

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The following day.

I got up early to get ready for the day.I'm scheduled to meet with a realtor who is in charge of finding a place for the orphanage.
The realtor and I are going to see different houses for the orphanage home.I informed the realtor that I needed a great location preferably one that is clean, peaceful, and serene.It must be quite large.

I didn't leave my room after arriving on my floor yesterday; my lunch and dinner were delivered to my floor, and I learned from Veronica, the maid assigned to me, that Rachel was still with my father.

Veronica informed me that my father would like to join me for breakfast this morning.

Before leaving my room, I put on an Extravagant Maxi, Asymmetric Hoodie Long Sleeves, and a pair of jeans, as well as my favorite fall boot. I carried my handbag and grabbed my file bag. I headed directly to the elevator and rode it to the top floor, where I spotted five maids at work.

"giorno a tutti"
Morning everyone

"Buongiorno signorina" They all greeted .

Veronica approached me and walked down the hall.

"signorina luna, il signor Orlando è già in sala da pranzo" Veronica said
miss luna, mr Orlando is already in the dining room

"Lead the way please"

"farò strada alla zona pranzo"
I will lead the way to the dining area

Entering the dining room. To say the least, it's a huge room.The large mahogany table is surrounded by eight seats. The table was hardly seen because everywhere part of the table was filled with food. One area is dedicated to a continental meal, while the other is dedicated to a typical Italian breakfast.
We're eating breakfast, I thought.

Two maids brought foods to the table from the kitchen.

While Rachel serves my father food on his plate, from the foods on the table

"buongiorno papà"

"Morning luna"

I slide into a vacant chair beside my dad. I served myself Eggs, ham and fried potatoes . Pour myself a nice glass of orange juice from the massive plate of food on my side of the table. Rachel excused herself as soon as I began eating.

Thank God, Rachel is already getting on my nerves, and for God's sake, dad isn't a kid who needs his breakfast given to him.

"What are you celebrating, papa?"

"What celebration?."

"This papá"I pointed to all the food on the table

"This," he said, pointing to the meal, "is the first time in 17 years that I'm eating breakfast with my daughter."

"Well, you and Mother could have avoided this celebration if you hadn't sent me to America when I was five," I smirked.

"By the way, when is Mother returning?"

"Today and Luna, in regards to your mother, she prefers to stay in her penthouse close to her company" I knew it, I could picture Rachel's hand in all of this.

"Why, dad?" I questioned, but he remained silent.

"Is it because of her?" I said, pointing to the kitchen, where Rachel entered.

"Don't bring Rachel into this, Luna," Father warned

"Is it because she's already involved, papa?"

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