What does she have that I don't have?

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Matured scene ahead

As we walked inside our Tokyo hotel suite, Vince said, "You're still mad at me." Alex and a few hotel employees hurriedly dropped our luggage and left.

"Please, Luna, talk to me." I didn't respond. " Look, I'm sorry, I didn't even know Rita and Bella were going to meet Becca at the airport."

So this is what happened. Vince and I had already arrived at the airport and were waiting Becca's arrival. When she arrived, Bella and Rita surprised me by following her and announcing that they were also going to Japan.

"You had no idea, yet you let them board with us."

"To be honest, I had no idea Bella and her friend were going to show up with Becca."

" Your ex girlfriend," I said as I stretched the ex girlfriend part. "I only expected a sister, and that sister is Becca, not Bella, Vince, you know that Bella hates me since you chose me over Rita."

"You're jealous"

"Let me be, Vince, she was all over you on the plane, I went to the ladies for three minutes and the next thing I knew she was sitting in my seat and she was all over you and you couldn't do anything," he said as he drew me closer.

"I love the jealous Luna," he hugged me, and I quickly backed away, but he continued to pull me closer, this time not holding me but making sure I was near to him.

"Stop making fun of me, this weekend is meant for us," I said, poking myself, "and now your ex-girlfriend and Bella are joining us."

" It will still be a weekend for the two of us"

"When your ex-girlfriend stays in the same hotel as us, or did you notice the stunt she performed when she stepped off the plane, she made sure the paparazzi photographed the two of you"

"She won't bother us, and our plans for our time here won't be ruined as a result."

"It had better be, because I'm not going to share my boyfriend with anybody else.

" I guarantee you won't "

" Promise"

He lifted his left hand in the air. " I promise that your Vince will only share himself with you, Luna Orlando," He said as I pulled him in for a hug. I can't imagine the two of us going our separate ways at this point in our relationship since I've fallen in love with him and continue to fall more and more in love with him.

"You said you'd meet with the investor as soon as we arrived," I remarked.

"I couldn't leave knowing you were upset with me because they showed up," he explained.

"Awwn, you should have gone and we could have dealt with this later," she says.

"Never, now that we're on good terms, I'm free to meet Mr Tanaka."

" Ok Vince"

" We are going to eat out to night."

" Ok, I will be ready by the time you come back "  he kissed me and I kissed him back immediately without hesitation.

I wanted to tell him I love him, but I could not, I haven't said the word ever since I told him it doesn't matter and he too has not said the word to him ever since that night. We spoke those words while I was mad at him, knowing full well that we both love one other.

I made sure I arranged our things inside the empty closet after Vince left. I went to relax after picking up an outfit I planned to wear when he returned tonight.

I woke up a few hours later and went to clean up so I could be ready for Vince's night out. When I heard the bell, I assumed it was Vince and rushed straight to open it, but it was Becca.

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