How was the birthday party?

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Luna Orlando

My head was on Vince's bare chest the next morning, and my hands were around his waist. I looked up to see his lovely face, but he was still soundly asleep, so I carefully removed my hands so he wouldn't wakeup.

I took out my phone to contact Papá; I'm sure he's worried that I didn't return home yesterday. After the second ring, he picked.

"Luna "

"Papá Good morning " after a short pause I continued " I'm sorry to the way I acted yesterday morning "

"I'm sorry too,Luna."

"Thanks Papá"

"You know I went to your room yesterday and I didn't see you, for a minute I thought you left, until the household staffs said Vince was here yesterday evening"

"Awwn Papá, I sorry I troubled you a bit"

"No, it's ok , Vince sent a message close to that period, telling me you are at his place"

" Hmm he did"

" Yes he did, are you going to tell me what is going between you two, this is the 2nd time in roll you are sleeping over , you don't need to tell me now, we can talk after the shareholders meeting today "

"Ok Papá, see you later"

So after my talk with Papá, I exited the room in search of his kitchen. Across the hall, I noticed a large and well-kept kitchen, which was fully stocked with various kitchen utensils and appliances.

I made a cup of cappuccino and sandwiches for the two of us. I was looking for a tray when I turned around and noticed a woman staring at me. I flinched and exclaimed, "Oh wow."

"I'm sorry I scared you"

"No probelm"

"My name is Martina, and I look after Master Vincenzo's residence."

"Hello, my name is Luna, and I'm sorry for taking over the kitchen; I'm trying to cook us breakfast while he sleeps."

"It's OK; it's good to see another lady in the Master Vincenzo residence besides the Grecos." This indicates Bella and Becca are frequent visitors.

"Can you show me where I can get a tray from?" I said, as she walked closer to me and unlocked a closet near me, bringing out a tray and handing it to me.

I guess the tray won't be needed because Vince entered the kitchen at some point.

I handed him a cup of coffee and a platter of sandwiches as he stood at the entryway yawning.

"I see you have met Martina"

"Martina meet my girlfriend Luna Orlando"

"I thought as much" she said.

I understood what she meant, she meeting me dressed in her boss's shirt and making him breakfast, I will be damned not to be his girlfriend.

"You will be seeing her more often"
He placed the food I had given him to the table and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He kissed my lips and said, "Good morning, baby."

"Martina is watching," I said quietly to Vince.

"Let her watch, she just left," He said as I peered into the kitchen and noticed Martina had left. "So kiss me properly," He said as I kissed him on the lips.

"Thanks for the breakfast; let's eat; I have to get to work, so you do as well."

"I don't want to go"

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