20. Vacation

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*JYPE building parking, 8pm

You finished work late today and ate dinner while waiting for the girls who came out even later. Tomorrow, at around 3am, you and the girls will be going to Bali, Indonesia for a five-day vacation. All of you were chatting in your group chat about how excited all of you were.

You already prepared your luggage last night but the girls were still packing. It seemed endless for them while it only took you a mere 30 minutes and one quick trip to the mall to prepare for this trip. You were used to traveling for vacations after all.

You see Momo, Sana, Dahyun and Chaeyoung walking towards the car with Tendo behind them. Momo went to the company to practice dancing and Sana, Dahyun and Chaeyoung went for a vocal lesson. They board the car with heavy bodies.

DH: Whooo! Finally we're off work.

SN: Oppa! You excited to leave tomorrow?

She asks you excitedly.

Y/N: Clearly not as excited as you girls.

CH: It's been such long time since we went overseas for a vacation as a whole group!

The car goes back to your houses while all of you talk about the things that you should bring and the things you want to do.

Back at the house, everyone is preparing for the trip tomorrow. The house was a literal mess, even Jeongyeon couldn't be bothered to clean the house. You head directly to your bed, thankful that you don't have to pack for anything anymore. The girls continued to pack until late at night and barely slept.

*the next day at the airport, 2am

The vacation was hidden from the public well so thankfully, there were no paparazzis at the airport. At the airport, two ladies approach Tendo and Pinky, they were around their mid 30's, pretty average.

Y/N: Oh hyungs, are they your girlfriends?

PN: Yup. They'll be joining us for the vacation!

Y/N: That's nice. I hope we get along well!

They nod at you shyly. They seemed to be quite shy and quiet in front of you and the other girls.

You board the plane at 3:30am. It was around a 7 hour flight and since its early morning, everyone was still sleepy, especially the girls. They spent the whole night packing and getting excited about this well-deserved vacation. Everyone was wearing comfortable clothes fitting for a tropical country underneath their coats. 

At the plane, you're one of the last people to get seated. You're at the aisle seat with Sana at the window seat and Dahyun in between the two of you.

DH: Yay, This 7 hour flight will be a bit better beside you Y/N.

Y/N: Really? I bet you'll just be sleeping the whole time.

Sana laughs at you while nodding.

SN: You're a total sleepyhead Dahyun don't try to fool us.

DH: SaiDa + Y/N is a great combo!

Jeongyeon then hits the chair Dahyun is sitting on. Her and Nayeon are on the row behind yours.

JY: Gosh you're so noisy so early in the morning.

Jeongyeon is cranky. She slept the latest because she cleaned the house after everyone made a mess.

Dahyun and Sana giggles to themselves, teasing Jeongyeon without her knowledge.

The plane takes off and for the first 30 minutes, the three of you talk about your weird experiences on a plane, just casual small talk between friends. You notice that almost everyone in the plane is either sleeping or peacefully relaxing.

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