[One Shot] Relaxing competition (Jihyo & Dahyun)

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Events take place sometime during winter.

*at JYPE office, 5 pm

You went to work at 4 am in the morning and have been working since. You've been working for more or less, 13 hours now, not even taking small breaks in between. Your short bathroom breaks double as a nap time for you, literally closing your eyes and resting your brain as you relieve yourself. It was busy season again. Preparing for different projects at the same time needed you to work more than when it was time for a comeback. You had 7 ongoing projects that would be released some time later, it means you had to prepare for 7 small comebacks.

Pinky goes to your office.

PN: You look like shit Y/N.

You stare at him, blinking your eyes, making sure that Pinky was real and that you weren't seeing things.

Y/N: H-Hyung? Is that you?

He pats your back and you instantly feel exhaustion rolling over your whole body.

PN: Aigoo. You've been working such long hours now. You should rest too.

Y/N: I'm almost done hyung, just a little more.

PN: Then since it's almost done, let the others do it. You should go home.

You sit back and hang your head with closed eyes.

Y/N: What's the point, the girls aren't there anyways.

PN: Actually, I came here to pick you up since Jihyo and Dahyun are on the way home too.

Y/N: Hmmm.

PN: Come on. We have a surprise for you guys too.

Y/N: What is it?

PN: You have to come home to know of course.

Y/N: *siiiighhhh* fine hyung. I'll go home.

PN: Alright. Let's go.

You felt thankful that Pinky took care of you.

*at the car

Jihyo and Dahyun sat together with Dahyun resting her head on Jihyo's shoulder. They both wore workout clothes. They see you lugging your tired body around, barely boarding the car with all your energy.

DH: Oh? Oppaaaa you look exhausted

Y/N: I've been up since 4 Dahyuniee.

You sit down and Dahyun automatically reaches for your shoulder and massages you.

DH: Aish. Who told you to work so hard?

She asked with a worried pout on her face. She looked adorable and those worrying eyes gave you a bit of energy.

Y/N: I'm okay Dahyuniee. I'll just rest when we get home.

You try to smile at her but you fail to convince her.

JH: I have a better idea Y/N.

She taps Pinky who's driving.

JH: Oppa, had the Jacuzzi been fixed?

Pinky scoffed arrogantly.

PN: It got fixed earlier today. It's working fine!

You realize that's the surprise Pinky was talking about.

Dahyun and Jihyo excitedly claps.

DH: A hot full body bath would be amazing in this weather.

JH: I was thinking maybe Y/N can use it to rest his body?

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