[One Shot] Just Another Vlive (Momo & Sana)

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Author's note: These events take part sometime before chapter 26.

Author's note: These events take part sometime before chapter 26

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*at your house, 3pm

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*at your house, 3pm

It was a normal work day. Since it wasn't comeback season, you had flexible work hours and so did the girls.

You were lying down in your sofa getting some well-deserved rest. Some of the girls were at home but you weren't sure who was home. Momo goes to your house and jumps over you, hitting your stomach.

Y/N: Ow. Momo you're heavy!

You teased her but she was really light. Most of Momo's weight were in her boobs, ass and legs anyways.

MM: Yaaa you're mean.

She pouted at you as she cuddled up to your chest. Sana appears from the hole and joins in cuddling. You happily accept Momo and Sana's breasts press on you as they hugged you. You move your hands around their back, feeling their toned back muscles and their butt.

SN: Opppaaaa we're bored.

Y/N: You're always bored Sana-chan. That's why you always cuddle and annoy your members, including me.

SN: I know.. Momo doesn't want to play with me and Jeongyeon is sleeping upstairs.

MM: Wanna do a vlive Sana?

Y/N: That's a good idea

You agreed as it meant that they won't bother your precious resting time.

SN: The managers are at the company. We need to ask permission so that they can come here and watch us while streaming.

You sit up, lifting the two light girls easily.

Y/N: Do you girls always have to ask permission every time you stream?

MM: Yea oppa. Sometimes they even have to be with us so they could tell us to watch what we say.

SN: But when they're not with us is the most fun vlives haha!!

You recall waking up at 3am in the morning and see Sana and Momo dancing while shooting a vlive. You've gotten used to it and just went back to bed

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