One hundred-seven

367 21 11


Shorter chapter today,
Let me know what you think in the comments.

This chapter is dedicated to every time I realized a part of my life was over without a goodbye, and for every goodbye that was too hard to make.


Diana first person POV;

Slipping in my silver hooped earrings, I walk from the hall into my kitchen and run my eye over the room to the large window, and squint and the bright sun that streams down from the parting white clouds making way for the bright blue sky.

Bold. Vigorous. Relentless. Draining.

A sudden sadness hits me: maybe the sun reminds me of LA, or that the cool spring weather I love is shifting into summer heat, or perhaps I've just become attached to the comforting and securing clouds.

Shaking my head, I click the metal stick into its place and secure my last earring. Automatically my hand reaches up and brushes back the loose strands of my hair, but as my fingers brush over the ink hidden there, I pause as a smile takes over my lips.

It's been a week or two since we watched that horror movie together, and let me just say that it's much more enjoyable to watch a horror with your soulmate who you can lean against and hold his hand, who's solid body is a steady presence behind you during the tensest moments, than with a friend who'll scream like a banshee and dig her long nails into my arm so hard they leave red crescents for a week.

I drop my hand and look down at my arm where those marks used to be, and the smiling face of my friend flashes in my head, leaving a stinging pain in its wake.

I miss you, May...

Sighing, I shake my head and check my phone.

Mon Lapin-
Be there in ten ;)

The smile reappears across my lips, and I shoot him back an "ok" and a smiley. Earlier he texted and said that everyone was going to have dinner together to celebrate their anniversary after they did their BangTan bomb, and told me he'd come by to pick me up after work.

I'd of course texted the group chat this morning and wished them a happy anniversary, but I was looking forward to having dinner together. Even though I've eaten over there more times than I can count. It just... feels like family...

Closing my phone, I tuck it in my back pocket and walk over to the coffee table and pick up the stack of mail that I'd been neglecting for the past I don't know how long.

Pizza Up coupon,
A postcard from my friend Beth in France,
And a letter from the South Korean Government.

Hold up.

My hands halt, trapping the letter between my fingers before I can toss it back down on the table.


The word written on the long envelope sends a horrible shiver through me and I slowly pull it back toward me so that it's directly in front of me. With slightly shaky fingers I tear open the top and pull out the letter.

Dear Ms. Lee,

We regret to inform you that you're Visa permitting you to remain in Seoul South Korean from 19.8.24 through 20.8.23 will be terminated at the end of the month for incommunicable and paradoxical reasons. Further inquiries with the US citizenship board have been accommodated. We apologize for such an occurrence and for the time insistent and inconvenient measures that have and will need to take place. Please retaliate instantly and call ******** to schedule a convocation and-

The page slips from my fingers and falls silently to the ground where it droops onto the hard floor and waits to be picked up. But I don't. And it remains there abandoned and renounced.

I have to leave Seoul.

I knew that my Visa was going to expire in August but I hadn't been thinking so far ahead. Although, now that I think about it, two months isn't that far in advance. But after realizing that Jungkook and I were soulmates and finally being together-


His name knocks the air out of my lungs and for a few short but equally eternal seconds, I can't breathe.

Jungkook. My soulmate.

I have to leave him.

Suddenly the air comes rushing back in but hot and scalding, and it burns me as I gulp down shaky breaths of air.

Too hot. It's too hot in here.

Rushing up I sprint for the window and crash into the strong glass. Hastily I unlock the door and desperately throw it open, stumbling out into the open air and running to the edge of my balcony. Gripping the rail, warm under the bright sunbeams, I stare out at the city of Seoul.

The scene I've come to throughout my life. The City I've learned to call home. The place where I bonded with my soulmate. So many memories here. So many moments. This is my life now. This is my home. This is where he is.

After everything that we went through. After all that we endured to be together. After finally finding what was meant to be found so many months and years ago.

How could I leave now?

My knees give out, and I fall to the hard cement of my balcony. Out on the edge, I'm unsheltered from the relentless sun, and I find myself cringing away from it and turning in on myself to avoid it's soldering heat.

And I wish for the grey clouds.



- Leia 💜

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