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Have you guys seen the message BTS made at the UNGA 75?

they inspire me sooo much! I don't know what I would do without them!!

Sry! I'll shut up now! 😂
Enjoy!!! 💜


Diana first person pov:

"Thank you." He says after a while and I have to pause the music to properly hear him.


"Thank you for this." He says staring up at the midnight black. "I always forget how much I love the country and how it always soothes me."

"I know what you mean." I say sighing, "Back in LA, sometimes I would just need to get away from everything and think. There was this really great spot, a field like this, up on a hill, with a great view of the city and ocean."

"How'd you even find this place?"

"Oh, it was years ago. It was while I was visiting here for the summer, and I just needed to drive for a while. The sun was setting and I wanted to pull over, and I just found this place."

"Well, thank you for sharing it with me," he says and I see him turn to look at me out of the corner of my eye.

I turn my head and look into his deep star flecked eyes, "There's no need to thank me. This was fun."

"But we probably should be getting back." I add and see him frown.

"Yeah, ok." He says and gets to his feet, pulling me up too.

We make our way up the great big hill and back to the car. I unlock the car and the bright lights momentarily blind us. We open the doors and half fall into our seats.

"Here," he says taking the air pod out of his ear and handing it to me.

"Thanks," I say, turning to grab it, but I pull up short and burst out laughing.

"What? What?!" he asks and it's all I can to do point to his hair. He whips out the mirror and takes a good look at what I'm seeing: bits of grass poke out of his dark locks, the top is all pushed around in odd positions, and the back of his head has a thin layer of dirt caked into it.

I realize it must have happened when we were laying on the grass, and have a brief panic attack where I think my hair must be the same way, but after checking my mirror finding my hair only to be a little messy I relax and remember that I was laying with my hands behind my head, and they must have taken most of the damage.

Yup!! My hands are in fact covered in dirt, but I'm still grateful it's not my hair. Him on the other hand....

"Hyungs are going to kill me!!!!" he groans, looking at his head.

"I'm sooooo sorry." I half-laugh.

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault." He says but then groans again.

"Is there no way to get it out before you get there?" I ask, leaning over and trying to clean his hair. After a few minutes, I manage to get most of the grass out, and arrange his waves back into their original position, but there's really nothing to be done about the dirt. It needs to be washed out.

"Do you have any water we could use?" he asks glancing around the car. Mints, tissues, and extra masks, but no water.

"Oh! You could come back to my place." I say, mentally hitting myself for not thinking of it sooner.

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