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Diana first person pov:

*Knock, knock*

The door opens to the boy's dorm, and I'm greeted by Tannie snuggling my leg, and Kate enveloping me in a hug.

"HI!! I missed you! It's been too long!!!" she squeals into my shoulder.

"I know!! But I should be able to come by your store later this weekend!" I say as I hug her back.

"Wow! I love your sweatshirt!" Kate says, pulling away and I look down to find that I'm wearing my "Harry Potter And The Cursed Child" hoodie.

"Thanks, have you seen it?"

"Yeah, my dad was able to get tickets in New York. You?"

"I actually saw it in London."

"Really? That's amazing! Like with the original cast and everything?"

"Yeah. Isn't it sooo good!!"

"I know right!! Like the beginning of part two!!"

"OMG yaass! That's the best part!! And the music is incredible!!"

"Yes!! Ooohh who's your favorite character?"

"Ohh, I love Scorpious!!"


"He's such a little bean!!"

"And he's sooo funny!!"

"Wait, wait, wait. Important question: what house are you in?"

"I'm a Gryffindor."


"You're kidding!!!"

"AHHH! It's so great to meet a fellow Gryffindor! It feels like there aren't many of us out there at the moment!"

"I know!! Everyone's either a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff!"

"Ok, if I didn't already love you before I do now!"

"Girl, it's not one-sided!!" We fangirl together.

"Is that Diana?" Namjoon calls from the living room.

"Come on!" Kate says and leads me to the other room, where I give hugs to all the boys but the maknaes who are absent.

"NOONA'S HERE!!" Hoseok calls up the stairs to the boys. Yoongi has just finished complaining about the noise when the three maknae's half run half fall down the stairs.

"NOONA!!!" they chorus, rushing over to give me hugs.

"Am I never to get some peace and quiet?!" Yoongi sighs, leaning back into the couch and burying his face into a fluffy pillow.

"Sorry Hyung." Tae apologizes. While Jungkook says at my side, "I never thanked you for what you did with the French business associate."

"Actually I believe you thanked me twice already." I laugh.

"But still, it means a lot that you would do that for us," he says looking into my eyes.

"I only helped him see the truth. After all, you've gone through, you- all of you," I say to all the boys, who've been listening. "You deserve a little kindness. It was the least I could do."

"But you didn't have to do anything, so why do it?" Yoongi asks and I sit down, Jungkook following in suit.

"Because it was the right thing to do. Sometimes, showing kindness because you can and not should makes all the difference." I say and we all sit in silence for a minute.

"Would you mind translating?" Kate pipes up after a minute, and a laugh escapes me.


"THAT'S IT!! EVERYONE EXCEPT THE GIRLS, OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!" Jin hollers after: Tae spills the banana milk he grabbed from Jungkook, Hoseok, and Jimin (while dancing) bump into Jin, and Namjoon ends up dropping a plate and it shatters on the previously clean tile.

The boys make their way out of the kitchen, Yoongi grumbling about how he never did anything wrong.

"Thanks," Jin says to me as I carefully pick up the broken plate and put it in the trash.

"Those boys are going to be the death of my kitchen!" he says and Kate and I laugh.

"Here, taste this." Kate feeds him a spoonful of bibimbap.

"Mmmmmm!!" he hums and wraps her up in a hug. "You're a good cook!"

"Well, I had a good teacher!" she says and their lips meet.

I quickly turn away and finish cleaning up the shards and get out the soy sauce and gochujang. Luckily I make it to the dining room before Kate starts squealing.

"Kissing again?" Jungkook asks, eyeing the door and my embarrassed expression.

Nodding (and probably blushing) I place the things on the table and arrange the chopsticks. Hoseok laughs and I turn around to see Jimin kissing the air. Namjoon Oppa, however, doesn't think it's as amusing and whacks Jimin on the head.

"I can't find the soy sauce!" I hear Jin Oppa call from the kitchen.

"Didn't find it in her mouth, huh?" Jungkook says and I giggle walking back to the kitchen. "I already got it."

"Oh, thanks. Can you take these bowls out there?" Jin Oppa asks. And I carry the steaming bowls out the door. But I barely make it two steps out into the dining room before the boys crowd around me trying to "smell" the food.

Thankfully Namjoon Oppa steps in and I cross the battlefield to the table, setting down the bowls in their places. Kate and Jin come out soon after with the other bowls and we all sit down for the meal.

"Wow Hyung this looks really good!" Tae praises.

"Actually the girls did most of the cooking."

"Oh no, I just did what Diana told me to do," Kate adds.

"Let's call it a group effort," I say in English and we share a smile.


Sorry about the Harry Potter part! Looking back I'm not really sure why I put that in there!

Fun fact:
I was actually able to see the show in London and it was absolutely amazing! However we had to talk my sister into seeing it with us because she'd read the script and said it wasn't good, but then LOVED it! (Scripts are meant to be watched and not read!)

Have a good weekend!

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