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Diana first person pov:

"So what one are we watching tonight?" Jin asks Kate after we get back from clearing the dishes. Apparently the boys hate hate hate, cleaning up after dinner. Kate and I volunteered but since we helped make dinner, the thought was unthinkable to the other boys, but they agreed to let us help clear the table, and they'll do the dishes later.

"Tonight it's "Princess and the Frog". She says reading off a list on her phone.

"The Disney movie?" I ask plopping down on the couch with Tannie.

"Jinie loves Disney princess movies, so we've been going through them." Kate smiles at Jin who nods eagerly.

"Can I see the list?" I ask and she hands me the phone. And I read the ones they have left:

Princess and the Frog,
Frozen II,

"When you finish these, you should watch: "The Princess Diaries", and "Enchanted," I say and Kate's whole face lights up. "Of course!! How could I forget!!"

"Well, their not animated or technically Disney Princess movies so it's understandable," I say and she nods, while adding them to the list.

"So you can watch them in English?" I ask Jin.

"Only with Korean subtitles."

"That's still good," I say and he nods. "Do the other boys join you?"

"Occasionally they'll watch one with us, but usually it's just me and Kate."

"Oh sorry, do you want me to get out of your hair?" I ask about to get up.

"No, no feel free to watch with us," Jin assures me, and I sit back.


I'm overestimating when I say we made it twenty minutes into the movie before a loud crash was heard in the kitchen.

"I'll do it," I say and get up before Jin beats me to it.

I walk through the door and find Jungkook's shirt drenched in water, Yoongi, and Hoesk nowhere to be found, Namjoon kneeling by broken glass, and Jimin and Tae standing by watching with phones out and recording.

I take a deep breath as all of them turn to look at me with apologetic faces. Honestly I don't know how they manage alone!

"Alright, clear out. I'll do it." I say and they start to leave, murmuring apologies. I'm about to start cleaning up broken glass for the second time this evening when I look to find Jungkook still in the room.

"Go on, it's fine, I'll get it." I say again, but he shakes his head and bends down to help me.

"You already helped make dinner, let me help. I won't break things like Joon Hyung." He teases in English while helping me clear the glass of the tiles.

I smile at his accent. "Then what happened to your shirt?" I ask, nodding at his soaking wet shirt.

"Hyung is also clumsy when doing the dishes." He replies and I shove his shoulder lightly with mine.

"You should respect your elders more!" I tease in a mocking tone and switching back into Korean.

"Don't, your starting to sound like Jin Hyung." He laughs.

I chuckle and reach for another piece only to have my hand accidentally brush his. Hearing his breath hitch I quickly move my hand away and reach for a different piece, though I can feel his gaze on me.

"Thank you for the other day." I say breaking the silence after what seems like hours. "Up on the roof," I clarify.

"Oh it was nothing." He says with a gummy smile.

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