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Jungkook third person pov:

Five months later...

"Kookie!! Where are you?!?!" yelled Hoseok, from somewhere down the hall.

"Here Hyung!" Jungkook yelled back.

Three seconds later Hoseok came bursting through the hotel door. Startling Jungkook and making him jump up from his comfortable position on the bed.

"Hey! Tae, Joon, and I are going out to a café. Wanna come?"

"Ohh yeah, sure let me just grab my hat." Jungkook replied standing up and giving his arms a stretch.

"Meet us down in the lobby in two minutes!" Hosek said before ruffling Jungkook's hair and racing out of the room."

Sighing and fixing his hair, Jungkook walked over to his closet and grabbed his black cap.

Since coming to LA on tour, they surprisingly had a day off to relax a bit so the boys were enjoying every minute of free time they had.

Gabbing his phone and key card, Jungkook stepped out of his room and into the hallway of the hotel.


"Can we just sit here?" Jungkook asked tiredly, he was exhausted from last night's concert and walking from café to café was not the most appealing way of spending the afternoon.

"Alright fine." Tae said, sighing and taking a seat, he had been the most picky about which café to go into.

"Aww poor Kookie is tired!" Hoseok said, plopping down in the chair next to Jungkook.

The café was nice, it had a nice little area where you could sit outside, complete with: tables with umbrellas, comfy wicker chairs, and soft pillows.

"I'm not so sure about sitting out here, what if someone recognizes us?" Said Namjoon, the most cautious of them all.

"Ohh relax Joon Hyung, it's such a nice day, and we have our hats and sunglasses, we're fine!" Jungkook replied, not wanting to get up and move again.

"Can I take your order?" a waiter asked as she came by.

"Oh yes, I'll have an espresso please." Namjoon said politely

"Can I get a cappuccino?" Jungkook said next, trying not to mess up in English.

"Make that two" Tae said with a nod.

"Sprite please!" Hoseok said with a smile.

Him and his Sprite. Jungkook thought smiling. The waiter left with a smile and left them to their conversation.

"Hey did you guys see..." Jungkook started to say but was interrupted by a small corgi dog, jumping up on his leg and nuzzling its head against him.

"Cookie No!"

Jungkook heard a girl speak in English and was confused at first until he realized that she was talking to the dog, not him.

"I'm so sorry! She usually doesn't run from me." The girl said, running up from her table ten feet away, and rushing to pick up her dog.

As she stepped closer, Jungkook got a good look at her: she was part Asian, by the looks of it, with dark brown curly shoulder length hair, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. She was beautiful. There wasn't anything particularly special about her with her dark ripped jeans, ankle high boots, white top, and leather jacket. And yet somehow, He couldn't stop staring at her.

Scooping up the dog in her arms, she lifted the pup to face her and scolded her. Now speaking in English, Jungkook only caught some of what she was saying, partly because she wasn't saying it that loud: "what-doing!" "Ohh Cookie- what - I going- do with you."

Kissing the pups little head, she tucked the dog into her arms and addressed the group. "I'm so sorry about that."

"Oh no don't be." Namjoon said calmly in English, making Jungkook snap out of his stare.

"I like dogs, it's fine." Jungkook tried in English, giving a smile.

"It's so cute!" Hoseok said, smiling and batting his eyelashes at the little dog.

"Thank you, this is Cookie." She replied, picking up one of the dog's tiny paws and giving it a wave at the boys.

"Awww!" they all coursed with wide eyes.

"Well, enjoy your day." She said in Korean, causing the group to raise their eyebrows at her, and smile.

She gave them a shy smile back, and returned to her table, plopping down in a chair with the dog: Cookie, in her lap.

The waiter came by again with their drinks but Jungkook found that he couldn't stop steeling glances at the girl. Not that she was doing anything interesting, she was only reading a book and continuously petting the dog, now asleep in her arms.


"What?" he replied, still not tearing his eyes off the girl.

"Jungkook!" said Hoseok again, snapping his fingers this time, in attempt to get his attention.

Finally turning to look at Hosek, he found all eyes focused on him. "What"

"Stop staring at her! You're going to freak her out!"

"I wasn't staring at her! She's got a, a cute dog is all." Jungkook tried, but none of the others bought it.

"Mmmhhmmm." Was all Tae said before leaning back in his chair and sipping his coffee with a smirk on his face.

After that, Jungkook tried to stop staring at the girl but he couldn't help but notice when she paid for her drink and got up to leave, he saw her right wrist, and on it was her soulmate tattoo. It was simple, some words inked into her skin, but it meant everything.

She had a soulmate, but as she turned around and walked away, his eyes narrowed on her back as he watched her leave. He noticed that her jacket also had words on the back. He wished he knew what they said, and he wished he knew what her name was.

Let me just say that I wrote this a while ago and am only posting it now, that I have the story more developed, soo looking back, I have no idea what I was doing! 😂


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