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I have no idea how these sort of auditions work, so I did my best! Lol

Diana first person pov:

I still don't know how I got here: Sitting with about twenty others in a waiting room, that looks so depressing and scary that I'm wondering how no one has come to kill me yet.

My cousins have been making me watch a lot of horror movies lately.

Life in Seoul has been good so far. My family is so excited that I'm spending a whole year with them, and of course my cousins had to take me out shopping, because while I'm here they want to buy me a whole new wardrobe. Not that I'm complaining to having people buy me clothes.

Yes of course I miss my friends, Cookie, LA, all of it, but it hasn't really sunk in yet that I'm living here for a full year. They called me though. It was hard because of the huge time difference, but when it's your best friends you made it work.

My apartment was a bit of a surprise though. Somehow through my many calls with my aunt about it, she failed to mention that I'd get the penthouse apartment in the attic.

(The Photo above)

Not that I was complaining. In fact I was in love with the place, It was like a whole other world up there.

My work so far has been good. I've been doing some work in advertising for contortion and gymnastics companies. Also I've been able to pick up some work teaching trapeze, and gymnastics. But really I've been spending a bunch of my time at the gym as usual. You see, when you do what I do you have to be in shape. Not to mention that I'm also a bodybuilder and it just helps me pass the time.

But I got an email about an audition for some music video. I was going to decline but I showed my cousins and they flipped out. Apparently it was the same company as one of their favorite k-pop bands: bts.

Now I'm not a huge k-pop fan and I don't really know much about bts except I think I met one of them on the fight over here, I'm not apart of army or whatever it's called, so I was just going to forget it but my cousins made me go to the audition, so here I am.

I'm still not quite sure what I'm supposed to do for the audition. The email was very vague, it really only to choose a song to perform to and wear suitable clothing, so I'm wearing my tight stretchy pants and shirt. Really I'm only doing this for my cousins, so I won't be in tears if I don't get the job.

Suddenly the door opens and a woman comes in again. She's been the one taking us one by one into the room beyond for the audition. Maybe she's the murderer! I immediately think. God I'm weird. How I ended up having five incredible friends still amazes me.

The woman calls my name and I pause for a second: she called me Diana. It's my name so I shouldn't be weirded out, but no one in Korea has ever called me Diana, I was always Cho. Shaking my head I get up to follow her.

She leads me through the room, through the door and out into a hallway, then down stairs, left turn, right turn, through the doors, across the hall, watch you head here! Through another ten doors and out into what looks to be a theater stage, which I odd since we're inside a building. Unless we crossed underground into another one. I'm so confused right now!

In front of me sit four people: two women and two men, behind a table with multiple cameras pointing at me. Suddenly I feel very much like I'm on America's Got Talent. Or I guess it would be Korea's Got Talent. Not what's important!

"Hello." One if the woman says in Korean. I bow to all of them before saying hello back.

"Hello." And for some reason my voice comes out all squeaky.

"Thank you for coming. Basically we're just going to ask you to do a few things for us today." The woman continues.

I take a sweep of the room again with my eyes: Big scary stage, hoop above me, ropes and platforms on either side, bars and balance poles to the right, the four "judges" sitting at their table where the first row would be, and cameras all around.

Noticing my stare at the cameras one of the men ask: "do they bother you?" I know he's only asking because that would be a huge problem if they were, but I can't help but feel that he's asking to make sure that I'm ok.

"No, I'm fine with them." I reply. It's the truth, since starting a YouTube channel I've learned to be ok with cameras on me non stop.

"Now you can remove your jacket and shoes, and do you have a routine prepared to show us?" The other woman asks me.

"I do."

"Then feel free to start whenever."

I walk to the edge of the stage and take off my shoes and leather jacket. Then walk back to the center of the stage and take a deep breath, my eyes automatically closing.

In. Out. In. Out.

I've got this.

I open my eyes and the music begins.

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