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Jungkook first person pov:

Today we were called into a meeting with a business associate from France, who Bang Si-hyuk is presumably trying to persuade to join the company.

I'm not entirely sure why we're here, we as in BangTan and TXT. We're not really doing anything except occasionally answering questions. It's all very confusing really because we have to have two translators, one English-Korean and the other English-French. I feel even worse for TXT who's looking quite confused and pale.

After what feels like hours, we all get up and start showing the man and his secretaries around the building. We've just turned a corner, to find Diana. She looks a bit startled by the big procession, but quickly recovers and bows to Bang Si-hyuk and the other managers.

"Ah, Diana allow me to introduce you to Mr. Lefebre. Mr. Lefebre, this is Lee Diana, she's performing in BangTan's newest music video." Bang Si-hyuk says and Diana gets a smile that I've never seen before, written across her face.

"Bienvenue à Séoul, Monsieur."


Diana first person pov:

I already thought there was something European about this man, but as soon as I heard the last name I realized he was French.

Hearing me speak in his first language, his face lit up in a smile. "You speak French?"

"Yes sir, I had a French nanny when I was little."

"Well, if you've lived through that, you can live through anything." He says and I chuckle. I decide to go ahead and like this man, something I wouldn't normally do upon such a short meeting but something about his eyes tells me of his good intentions. "She taught you?"

"Yes sir, by making me learn and recite poems and rhymes. She also read Les Misérables to me."

"Entirely in French? My Goodness! And was it enjoyable to you?" His deep chuckle rumbles over the walls and I can feel my shoulders relaxing.

"Immensely so! She actually was able to take me to see the show as well." I smile again at the memory, one of the best memories of my entire life.

"Wonderful! So you like it then I'm guessing" He nods with approval.

"It's my favorite," I say which seems to please him a great deal.

"And you live here my girl?"

"I have family here that I'm staying with for the year."

"And now you are working with them?" he asks and gestures to the BangTan boys.

"Yes Sir, I'm doing contortion in their music video."

"Contortion? Very impressive!" he congratulates me and I bow my head in thanks. When I look up I find every pair of eyes on me, and that's when I realize we've been having a conversation in French, while no one else but presumably the translators can understand us.

"I didn't know you could speak French." Bang Si-hyuk chuckles in English, and I'm sure I'm blushing.

Instant embarrassment pours through my entire being and I tense up again. "I'm sorry. I'll get out of your way." I say in Korean and step aside, but Mr. Lefebre has something else in mind.

"I would like Madame Lee, to accompany us on h-our tour if you please," He says in English to Bang Si-hyuk.

"But I'm not qualified-" I start but get cut off.

"You wouldn't mind, would you?" Bang Si-hyuk says to me with pleading eyes, and I nod my head with mild reluctance. "Of course."

"Wonderfull! Do carry on." He says to me and then gestures to Bang Si-hyuk, so I translate and the big group begins its march yet again with an extra member.


We go around the building, and somehow I end up translating instead of the translator, why, I couldn't tell you!

And I can't help but feel out of place here, but I carry on until we come to a meeting room and people start taking seats. I'm about to make my goodbyes and escape the very startling situation when Mr. Lefebre offers me the seat next to him. I take a look at Bang Si-hyuk to ask if this is ok, to which he nods and I sit down.

After translating a few more conversations about business, I can tell the question has arisen of whether Mr. Lefebre will join the team, but before he answers Lefebre turns to me and starts speaking in French: "Tell me, what do you think of the way this company is going?"

Startled, I look around at the other confused faces of the room before looking back to Mr. Lefebre. "But aren't I biased?" I ask confused as to why he would want my opinion.

"Maybe, but I think you're a smart girl and can see the flaws as well as the good." he shrugs "Please, tell me what you think."

Seeing that I'm not going to be able to get out of this, I take a deep breath and look down at the table for a second before giving my answer. "Well, I've worked with a lot of different music companies, labels, and artists. Each place and co-worker has taught me something new, something different. Though I've only been here for about a month, I can tell you: I've never seen anyone work as hard as the boys in front of you." I say and gesture to BangTan and TXT, who still have no idea what I'm saying, but perk up when all eyes turn to them.

"They give it their best every minute of every day with no rest and still remain some of the nicest people I know. BangTan built themselves a name for themselves. They put in countless hours: working, training, dancing, singing, and rehearsing, for years before they got where they are now.

"As for TXT, who wants to follow BTS? I know I wouldn't, but they did. And their famous not just because of working with bts because they're truly incredible. And through all they've been through and done, they haven't let it go to they're heads, haven't ever stopped being grateful.

"All the rest, all these people.." I say and gesture around the room, sweeping my eyes over the faces of managers, assistants, and finally, Bang Si-Hyuk who looks at me like he already knows what I'm saying without the translator.

"Are just here to give people a chance, to make dreams come true." I finish off and find Mr. Lefebre smiling at me. He turns to Bang Si-hyuk and nods.

Contracts get signed, signatures are written, but luckily the boys and I are allowed to leave. We make our bows and Lefebre and I kiss on either cheek as they do in France, and leave the big room. Letting out a breath I had been holding since meeting them in the hall what feels like days ago when I know it was only hours at most, I lean my head against the wall of the hallway.

"What did you say to him?" Namjoon Oppa's voice rings out in the quiet of the hall and I know he's asking for all of them. All of the hard-working and faithful boys around me.

I smile and say the only thing I can think to say: "The truth."


I'll just say that I write this a while ago and had to spend a good hour rewriting it in order to stop cringing!!

I can practically hear you guys thinking: if she stopped cringing at this crap then what the heck was the original like!


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