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(Imagine this style on the other side)

Diana first person pov:

I had already been hung up on time difference, so getting up at three am wasn't a big challenge for me. I live in LA, but my relatives in Seoul have been bugging me to visit them again. At first I thought that I'd have to wait a year or so before I was able to leave work, but as it turns out my family was able to find me work over there, so here I am, flying to Seoul to spend a year in Korea. Who knew? Not me, that's for sure, but never underestimate the power of Korean grandmothers!

I had been staying with some old friends in Shanghai, who said "you better drag you're a*s to China to visit us or we'll make sure you'll never see the light of day again!" My crazy friends!

But it had all worked out in the end because I really did want to visit China. I'd never been before so my friends took me to as many places as you can go in China through the course of one week.

And now here I am flying to Seoul, to stay at my Aunt's apartment building. Her business owns the whole place so she was able just to let me use one of the apartments for the year. My cousins also wanted to give me the whole experience so they had me leave most of my stuff in LA. That includes my: clothes, furniture, jewelry, and my dog Cookie.

Yeah, I know. It sucks. That was the part that almost made me not want to go. I mean how could I leave my dog for a whole year? Well, somehow I was able to leave her with my best friends who live in the same apartment as me in LA. After all, it's only for a year.

Carrying my only bag that I'm taking with me, filled my stuff that I simply couldn't leave behind: my laptop, phone, chargers, my leather jacket and a few more clothes, a few pieces of my favorite jewelry, my toilet-trees bag, and my most treasured books. I take a seat in the business and first class lounge (my relatives decided that I needed to fly business for some reason, even though economy would have been just fine. But the fight got full so I was bumped up to first!) This is my first time flying first, so as you can imagine I'm trying my very hardest not to look like an idiot.

I'd taken my seat and was about to get out my phone when I felt a tap on my left shoulder.

"Excuse me, my daughter just wanted to say how much she loved your hair."

I turn and come face to face with a Woman and child who looks to be about six.

"Ohh thank you!" I say and smile at the little girl.

"Did you do it yourself? My daughter always wants me to do her hair in fancy ways but I'm afraid I'm no good at it." She says with a laugh.

"Ohh well, I've had to practice too, it helps to have a teacher and a model to practice with."

"Thanks for the tip!" she says with a smile. I don't know why, but I find talking to mothers very relaxing.

"And what's your name?" I ask the little girl.

"Mia." She says. "And I'm seven years old!" she announces proudly.

"Well Mia, you like fancy hair right?" she nods her little head fast.

"Would you like me to braid your hair like I did mine?"

"Ohh yes please!!!!" she says with the biggest grin I've ever seen on a child.

"It's ok with you?" I ask the mother. I just want to make sure that it's alright.

"Ohh yes, go right on ahead!" she says.

"Mia, why don't you go in my lap and, oh I'm sorry what's your name?" I ask the mother?

"You can call me Sarah."

"Ok, Sarah would you like to sit next to me so I can show what I'm doing and you can do it yourself later?" I ask.

"That would be great! Would you mind if I take a video?"

"Ohh not at all!"

So that's how I spend the time waiting to board the plane: doing a seven year old's hair and saying aloud what I'm doing as her mom takes a video of my hands with her phone. But the whole time I can't help but feel that someone's staring at me.

Ahhh! First time inside her head, and I got to tell you, it's soo much easier to write!! 😂😉


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