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Thank you guys so much for the 400 reads/ proof that people are actually reading whatever this is 😂


Diana first person pov:

After a good hour of dancing with Hoseok Oppa: taking turns teaching each other new techniques (I get the feeling this is one of his favorite things to do). I'd not only learned new moves, but also some of their choreography for Boy With Luv, Idol, Fire, and Run. And the other boys also joined in at times and helped, though it didn't really work because it was made for seven, not eight.

Hoseok had a great time learning whatever I taught him. I still can't think of a reason why a big shot k-pop star would want to learn choreography from a LA girl who does covers, but there are many mysteries in life.

I'd just walked out of the girl's bathroom from taking a shower and changing, when Jungkook walked by, banana milk in hand.


"Hi. Finished for the day?"

"I was distracting Hoseok Oppa to long. I didn't want to get him in trouble." I admit and he lets out a chuckle, and the famous bunny smile makes an appearance.

"Can I walk you out?" he asks. It's become a sort of a thing now. First, because I needed help getting out of this maze of a building (I still get really confused) but now it's sort of routine.

I nod and we make our way down the hall.

"So, I hear you've been hanging out with TXT a lot lately." He says and I question his tone for a split second

"Yeah, well they like to come to the gym on Wednesdays, and we chill for an hour or so. You really have no idea how much they look up to you and respect your every word." I say and he snaps his gaze to mine

"You talk about me?"

I give a little shrug, and we stop walking in the middle of the hall.

"Their actually quite scared that you'll get mad I'm spending so much time with them."


"You mean more to them than you think."

He takes another sip of his milk, and nods, thinking.

"Hey, I have a favor to ask you-" he starts, but leans on a water fountain by the wall and sprays the both of us with shockingly cold water.

"Graaahh!" he yelps, and I let out a small shriek at the cold.

"I'm so sorry!" he blurts out looking down at himself and then to me. But when his eyes go to my clothes, he flushes dark red and immediately drops his gaze to the floor. I look down and see that I am in fact wearing a pale gray shirt that is now see-through, giving a full view of my dark red bra. Why do these things have to happen?

I cough and cross my arms over my chest, not sure what to do now, seeing as I didn't bring a jacket today. But he thankfully regains enough confidence to remove his own black hoodie and pass it to me, still looking down.

"Thanks," I say as I zip the soft material over my wet skin. Damn, is this thing made out of clouds or something?!

"I'm really sorry." He says again, slowly dragging his eyes off the floor and up to meet my own. Caution and fear cloud his eyes and I get the sense he's not had a lot of opportunities with girls.

"It's ok," I say and we begin walking again. I'm not sure whether to attempt to ignore what just happened or simply so I can leave as fast as possible, but walking down the BigHit halls in Jungkook's hoodie is making me selfconscious.

"So, you had a favor to ask me?"

"Oh, yeah, right, umm." He stutters, still not over the water incident. "I was wondering if maybe, umm"

"Yes?" I ask, starting to question what it is he wants to ask me.

"I was wondering if you could help me learn English." He finally gets out, and slowly lifts his eyes to mine.

"Oh. Yeah sure." I say letting out a breath and his face brightens up.


"Why not. When were you thinking, I know you guys have busy schedules."

"Umm, would you like to come over to the dorm again, maybe Thursday evening?"

"Yeah, that should work. Just text me when to come over." I say just as we turn the corner to the lobby. "See you then."

"Bye Noona!" he waves and I return the gesture, smiling, but bangs into the passing employee, and the box of records he was holding goes tumbling to the floor with a clash of plastic against the tile. Jungkook immediately starts apologizing and helping the poor guy pick up the fallen records but sneaks one last smile in my direction.

Maybe it's just how sweet he is, or unfortunate events of this evening, but I can't stop the smile that returns his. And I don't stop smiling as I walk home, still in his hoodie that smells of him.


Cheesy but fun to write! Hehe

Once again thank you guys for the 400 reads soon to be 500! This means a lot to me!

How was everyone's weekends?
-Leia ☺️

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