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Thank you guys for the 22k!!! ILYSM!! 🥺

I won't say much, because I don't want to offend anyone or their views and beliefs regarding politics, so I'll just say; THANK GOODNESS THE ELECTION IS OVER!! 🥳

This chapter is dedicated to @Tiana1984 thank you for all your votes that have cheered me up these past stressful days! 💜


Diana first person POV:

After Kate left, I bucked up the courage and answered some texts, and then went outside for the first time in days and got a much-needed cappuccino at a nearby café that I love, along with a loaf of cinnamon bread and a bunch of twisted doughnuts to devour later.

I'm clearly the definition of health!

But whatever the consequences, I felt much better walking back to my apartment than I had when I'd set out.

Blasting 'This City' through my AirPods, I walk back through the crowded streets of Seoul, making slightly weird movements to avoid being hit with dripping umbrellas.

The light rain doesn't bother me though, and my long black trench coat has a hood that covers my head as I walk through the dreary weather. I like the mood though, it feels like the last tears that are shed before you burst out laughing and everything is okay again.

Finally, I make it to my aunt's building, and slip inside the large glass doors, etched with flower designs and what looks like some sort of waterbird. Stepping into the elevator, I hit the top button and lean against the wooden wall with a sigh, breathing out deeply as I feel the box begin to rise.

Maybe I'll watch an old Disney movie or something.

Sooner than I would have thought, a ding echoes around my ears, and the doors open to reveal the light grey and blue colored hallway, accented with flowering houseplants.

I walk to the only door, my door, apart from the one at the other end that leads to the stairs, and slip out my slightly cold hand from my sleeve to punch in the code to my apartment.


With a final click, the lock pulls out of the door, and I push the dark wooden door open. The slight of my dark apartment meets my eyes, and I realize it must be later than I thought to have not much light coming through the windows. But then again, it is raining.

I step inside, remove my shoes and coat, slip on my house shoes, and am about to make my way into the kitchen when I hear a small yapping/rustling sort of noise coming from the living room and my entire body freezes with terror.

Oh my god! This is how I die!!!!!

Shaking my head, I take a deep breath and ball one of my fists.

Whatever is in here is not getting in the way of my 2000's movie and dessert-eating binge!

Angling my body so I'm walking sideways along the wall, inching myself closer to where I hear the noise, I try and quiet my breathing as much as possible, and hope that it's just me being paranoid. If there really is someone in here though, I'm not sure I'm doing the smart thing by poking around.

But I ain't letting nothing push me around today! I've gone through too many tissue boxes, and watched too many horror movies to give up without a fight and simply walk away!

No, not today!

Peeking as little of my head as possible around the wall, I take a glance around the living room, but nothing seems amiss or off placed. Everything is exactly how I left it, except.... Did I close the blinds when I left?

Setting my bag of goods down on the floor, I take what could perhaps be considered an overdramatically cautious step into the room, but one can only watch old Disney movies so many times before methods start to sink in.

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