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Jungkook third person pov:

"What time is it?"

"Ten thirty."

"Where is she? Why isn't she here yet?"

"Relax Jin! She'll be here any second."

Muttering, Jin took a seat on the couch in the living room of the boy's dorm. Kate was coming over, and it was the first time seeing each other since they had to go to Shanghai for the week, and Jin was anxious to see her again. He'd been like this ever since she texted this morning! But it was cute to see them together, even though it was a bit sad that he was the only one of them to have found his soulmate.

Jungkook sighed from his seat on the grey couch. He couldn't stop thinking about the girl from LA. Cho. Why couldn't he stop thinking about her? What was wrong with him! Shaking his head, he got out his phone and went to Twitter.

Scrolling through the tweets looking for a funny one to take his mind off, Jungkook relaxed on the couch, snuggling into the fuzzy blanket. He'd just gotten comfortable when Jin got a text and let out a screech so loud it could wake the dead.

"SHE'S HERE!!!" he yelped, scrambling up and racing to the door, Throwing it open wide and almost ripping it off its hinges, to reveal a smiling but startled Kate.

"I MISSED YOU SOO MUCH!!!" Jin said in English, rapping Kate in a hug and squeezing her tight.

"Awww! I missed you too!!!" Kate said rapping her arms around his waist and burying her head into his chest. The two broke apart only for a second before Jin crashed his lips into hers.

"EEeewww!! Jin!!!" Tae complained.

"At least let the poor woman come inside!" Namjoon added.

Jin only kissed Kate's forehead and snaked his arm around her waist, keeping her locked next to him as he led her inside.

"How was China?" Kate asked, switching to Korean, still attached to Jin.

"Exhausting!!" Hosek complained, and went to hug her but Jin still wouldn't let her go.

"Ummm, Jin?" Kate asked?" looking up Jin. "I'm not going to leave or anything!"

Grumbling Jin released his hold on her, and she went around and gave each of them hugs, and then returned to Jin's arms.

"Come on lets' sit down!" Jimin said, plopping down on the couch with a pizza box, the rest of them following and sitting down. Kate curled up to Jin and resting her head on his chest, before looking at each of them in turn, but when her eyes landed on Jungkook, sensing something wrong she furrowed her eyebrows in question.

"And how was your week?" Jin asked in English.

"Ohh, fine. Slept, ate, went to work, got lost on the highways a few times..."

"Again?" Hosek teased with a mouth full of pizza.

"Everything in Korean! Don't blame me!!" she replied exasperated. Earning a chuckle from Hosek.

"Well now I'm here, and I can drive you!" Jin said, kissing Kate's forehead.

"How's learning Korean coming?" Namjoon asked.

"Hard as ever!" she replied in Korean, and Jin tickled her waist. Causing her to squirm under his touch, and whack his arm. Which led to him leaning down and leaving kisses allover her face.

"NOT IN THE MAIN ROOMS PLEASE!!" Tae whined in Korean. "I'm trying to eat here!"

"Jealous much?" Jin asked, giving Tae a smirk.

"I just don't want to see you slip your tongue down her throat!" Tae shot back.

"Hey relax, we all know he's more of a feel you up kind of guy!" Jimin added.

"Why? Do you fantasize about me?" Jin asked

"No, I just accidentally walked in on you guys!" Jimin said, and the boy's snickered and laughed, while Jin turned red, and poor Kate, just sat there shaking her head and said "I didn't understand any of that, and I don't ever want to know!"

*Knock, knock*

"I'll get it." Namjoon said, putting his pizza slice down and getting up, walking toward the door.

"Hey that was my slice!" Jin said frowning as Jungkook snatched the last piece of pizza from the box.

"Sorry hyung, I'm a growing boy and I need my carbs!" Jungkook responded by biting into the soft cheese.

"Now I'm hungry!" Jin whined, pouting.

"Poor baby!!" Kate teased.

"I'll just have to eat you!" Jin said before planting kisses all over her face, and biting her cheeks and nose.

"GET A ROOM!!" Jimin yelled, whacking them with a pillow.

"Yoongi, can you come here?" Namjoon, yells from the door.

"OWWW STOP HITTING ME!!!" Jin yells as Hosek joins in hitting Jin with his pillow. Meanwhile Kate escapes the fight and plops herself down next to Jungkook.

"So what's up?" she asks in Korean.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook answers.

"Come on Kookie, I can always know when something's wrong with one of you boys, It's like my super power!" she says ruffling his hair. "You ok?"

"I'm really confused Noona." Jungkook says, confessing his feelings to her.

"About what?"

"Soulmates" he says.

"Ahhh, well I won't pressure you, but I'm always here if you wanna talk." She says giving his back a pat. That's the great thing about Kate, she's a great listener and, she'll always be there if you need to talk to someone, but she won't ever rush you.

"What did Jin do to deserve a great soulmate like you?" Jungkook asks, giving her a hug.


Namjoon third person pov:

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, this is her." Yoongi says not looking up from the folder. "So when do we tell him?"

"Later, after Kate leaves. Kookie can decide if he wants to tell her."

"Jin's not going to like that."

"That's not the issue here, just wait till Jungkook sees this..."

Introducing Kate!

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