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It has come to my attention that I accidentally dedicated three chapters to @ProudnDifferent oops 😂 you deserve it though 🤷‍♀️🥴 🥰

Happy weekend!! I plan to sleep sleep SLEEP!!! After staying up until the next morning to watch BE as it premiered and then stream, and then participating in the streaming party all through yesterday and today as well: I'M EXHAUSTED!!! But it's totally worth it to see the numbers fly up!!

Don't forget to vote for BTS for nomination in the 2021 Grammys and the MAMA's!!! And keep streaming "Life Goes On" in YouTube, the goal is the break our two-day records!! 🥳✊

But for now, sit back and enjoy the chapter!!!

"Sh*t down!!"


Diana first person POV:

With a long sigh, I slide down the front door of my apartment after stepping inside and allow myself to become a puddle of exhaustion on the floor.

Saying goodbye was hard, really hard. But so is the knowledge that they brought with them, the knowledge that I'd been trying my hardest to put out of my mind: my year here will be over in four months.

Four months until the year is up, four months until I go back, four moments until that's... it.

I always knew this was going to be hard. But did the year have to fly by so soon? And did I have to screw things up as badly over here as I did back in LA?

But seeing my friends again reminded me of... home, and of my life before moving here. It reminded me that I have two families back in California who wait for me to come back to them: my parents and family, and my friends. Not to mention-

As if sensing my thoughts about her, Cookie pokes her head up out of my jacket and plops her head down on my chest.

I really wasn't supposed to bring her to the airport, and my friends were fine with saying goodbye to her here, but I knew I'd want her with me for emotional support. And I'm glad I did. Though not as painful as the first goodbye, there were a few tears at this one as well, and having Cookie at my chest the entire time gave me a sense of assurance that I needed.

Now blinking her great large honey eyes at me, I smile and stroke her soft head. "I wish I could keep you here," I whisper out.

Many people call me crazy for this, but I talk to Cookie constantly; a thing I've long missed while we were apart. I talk to her about how I'm feeling, what I have on my to-do list that day, and even ask her for advice... she may not be the best at actually giving advice, but she's great at comforting me.

The thing about the way May and I trained her, is that we did it based on my emotional needs and wants: to sleep easily in bed with me, to sense how I'm feeling, and to come up and snuggle me. A way of training that was incredibly personalized, and meant that Cookie really only bonded with me, and will look to me for confirmation regarding what she should: do, eat, or even what people she should like. That is... except for one exception...

"Cookie," I look deep into her eyes and try not to laugh when she tilts her head at me. "Do you remember when I took you over to see Yoongi Oppa, and Namjoon Oppa, and Jimin-ssi, and Kate?" I ask her, listing off a few of their names.

Cookie blinks her eyes at me but wags her tail down my jacket and it thumps on my chest, letting me know she understands.

"You remember Tannie?" I ask again, using the voice I always use when saying another dog's name around her, and this time her belly shakes a little bit as her tail whips around inside my coat.

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