Emotional Rescue...

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Roger was surprised he didn't get pulled over as he sped across London to the television studio.  Dave was seated next to him and gripping the dash as Roger swerved in and around slower cars to get to his destination; anxious to get to Brian.  He finally saw the building and maneuvered his car into an empty spot in front of the entrance.  

"Get in the driver's seat so I can leave the car here..."  Roger requested.  Dave nodded and got out of his side and walked around to the driver's door.  

As Roger stepped out he grabbed his wallet and found a 20 pound note and shoved it in the hand of an attendant.  The man was standing there in shock at how this car suddenly appeared out of nowhere and slid into the small space for valet parking.  "I'll be back shortly...!"  Roger announced as he rushed past the attendant and headed through the revolving glass door.  He was soon at the reception desk.  "Where is the studio for Sally Bennett's show?"  Roger inquired in a tempered voice.  The woman behind the desk recognized him and smiled.

"Mr. Taylor...I was told to expect you..."  she replied and gestured to a guard standing near the counter.  "Tom...please take him to Studio 4...."  she requested.   Roger walked at a fast pace as Tom began to lead him down the hallway.  They were soon stepping into a large double doored area and a show producer saw him and rushed over.

"Thank god you're here!"  she exclaimed as she began walking them down a narrow hall filled with doors.  "He's down this way..."  she advised them as they turned a corner and Roger saw Julie leaned against a wall; looking exasperated.  Her face filled with hope when she saw the blond and pushed herself up from the surface.

"Roger!"  she said with relief.  "I got him to answer me finally...but he won't open the door..."  she explained as Roger stepped towards the closed door and nodded understanding to her.  He noticed all the people loitering around and watching.

"Can we please clear this hallway?"  Roger asked politely as he eyed the crowd.  They all began to move and Roger waited until they were gone.  He then looked at Julie.  "I'll take it from here..."  he said and implied she could leave also.  She nodded and patted him arm and walked away.  Roger waited until she was around the corner and turned to the door and gently tapped on it.  

"Brian...it's me...Roger...and we're alone....will you open the door please?" he stated in a measured tone.  He waited for a moment and listened.  There was a shuffling sound and then the turning of the locking mechanism and he knew the door was unlocked.  Roger took hold of the handle and pushed it open.  He stepped in and saw Brian leaning against the wall and wiping at his face with his shirt sleeve.  Roger closed the door as  Brian turned to look at Roger.  His expression reflected how distraught he was.  Roger instantly walked up and pulled Brian into a hug.  

Brian willingly went into his arms and felt safe and comforted as the blond stroked his head and pressed him close.  "Sorry..."  Brian murmured and Roger was glad to hear him speak but felt the apology was unnecessary.  

"Don't apologize...just tell me what happened...what's going on?" Roger asked him with concern in his voice.  Brian was relieved Roger wasn't angry but needed to get away from here.  He just wanted to be home and alone with Roger.

"Can we just get out of here and I will talk to you when we get home?"  Brian requested in agitated tone.   Roger pressed a kiss to Brian's head and nodded.

"Yeah....let's get you home...."  he agreed.  Roger looked around the room and found Brian's coat and grabbed it and helped him get it on.  "Let's just put these on you..."  Roger suggested as he took his sunglasses off and offered them to his fiancee.  Brian half smiled and put them on.

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