Need You Tonight...

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Brian and Roger arrived at the pub near Roger's flat.  Brian got seated in the corner booth as Roger got them both a pint and placed an order for their food.  There was a jukebox in the corner of the place and a young woman was pushing some buttons to make her selection.  Brian watched her smile and walk back to her seat as a new song started and INXS came over the speakers.  Brian appreciated her song choice as he saw Roger approaching and he handed Brian his beer and took a seat across from him.  

"The food here is really good...reminds me of home cooking.."  Roger remarked as they both sampled their beer.  "I don't really cook so I enjoy it when I can get it..."  Brian nodded understanding.  Sometimes there is nothing better than a meal from scratch.

"I get that...I like to cook...but don't have a lot of time for it..."  Brian commented back.  Roger added culinary skills to Brian's growing resume and smiled at him.

"If I buy the food..could I get you to cook for me sometime?"  Roger asked him. 

"Sure...." Brian answered.  He imagined cooking in Roger's large kitchen and felt a little excitement at the prospect.  "What's one of your favorite meals?" 

"I'm not too picky....I like chicken..."  Roger answered.  He smiled when he remembered a specific dish.   "Have you ever had chicken cacciatore?"  Brian brightened up and nodded.

"I's good..."  Brian replied.  "You like it?"  he inquired.  Roger took a sip of his beer.

"I manager...Evan...his Mum is Italian and she made it for us a few's really good.."  Brian ran his thumb over the condensation on his beer glass.  

"I can find a recipe for it...." Brian told him and Roger smiled gratefully at him.  "You spend a lot of time with your manager?"  Brian was curious about what type of relationship he had with his band mates and manager.  Roger sighed at the question and looked a little subdued at the query.

"I used to....he's a nice guy....he just...."  Roger paused to find the right words to express his current feelings about his situation with Evan.  Brian could tell there was tension.  Roger took a large drink of beer and wiped his mouth.  He then looked directly at Brian.  "When he first started representing me he was amazing....he was ambitious and driven and focused on the right things....but lately...he's lost his edge..."  Roger shifted around on his booth seat.  "Evan is more interested in his own bank account and the next party than whether or not I'm happy..."  Roger revealed.

"Are you happy?"  Brian asked him bluntly.  He instantly wondered if this was too personal a question.  He had only known Roger for a few days.  Roger seemed to struggle with his answer.  Brian sat quietly and waited for his response.  Roger finally formed a small smile and looked Brian in the eye as he slid his hand over and placed it on top of Brian's.

"I am when I'm with you..."  


They spoke casually as they enjoyed their drink and soon Roger went and collected their meal.  Their conversation continued while they ate and mostly focused on how they each spent their day.  Brian was tired after all the excitement from the previous night and a full work day.  He was also worn out from all the frank talk and tutoring he got from Deacy.  Of course he skipped over this part in his retelling of the day's events to Roger.  He yawned unintentionally as they lingered over the last few bites of their meal.

"You tired?"  Roger asked him as Brian tried to fend off another yawn.

"Just a little...." he confessed.  Roger could see he was in need of some sleep and felt bad he had kept Brian up late the night before.  He had hoped to get Brian to come back to his place tonight.

Happiness....A Different Kind of Maylor Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now