One Thing Leads To Another...

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"That's wonderful!"  Brian told his insurance agent on the phone.  "I can stop by after I get off work today....that should be around that alright?"  he asked.  

"That will be fine...see you then Brian..."  he hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief.  He hurried to finish dressing for the day and rushed downstairs to tell Roger the good news.  It had turned out to be a banner day.  He was covering for a teacher that might be out for a while so he had a real chance to show his value as a permanent teacher.  And now his insurance agent called to advise him that his claim had been finalized on the record shop fire and his check was waiting for him.  Brian heard Roger on the telephone and found it surprising for him to be on a call with  the music business so early in the day.  His office door was open so Brian walked in.

"I'm looking forward to making my own solo album but sharing my new studio with other artists has already proven to be rewarding and inspiring to me..."  Roger was saying in the phone as he leaned back in his office chair and had his feet propped up on the desk.  He waved at Brian as he listened to whoever was on the phone.  

Brian tapped at his watch to indicate he would have to leave.  Roger pulled his legs off the desk and sat up as he gestured at Brian to wait.  Brian stood and watched as Roger finished his call. 

"Can we meet in person and continue this interview?"  Roger asked his caller.  He opened his datebook and nodded as he listened to the caller.  "Yes...I'm available at that time..."  Roger replied as he wrote down the information.   "We can meet can see the studio..."  Roger suggested.  He smiled widely and winked at Brian.  Brian smiled in return as he quietly went over and sat on the edge of his desk.  He glanced at his watch to keep track of the time.  "I'll see you then...thanks!"  Roger said as he hung up the phone.  He stood up and appreciated Brian being a bit shorter since he was seated on the desk.

"That was Cameron Jones...he's a music journalist..."  Roger advised him excitedly.  "He wants to write a piece on me...he heard I left The Cross and and also heard about the studio..."  Brian grinned at Roger's good fortune.

"That's brilliant Rog!"  Brian replied and reached down to take Roger's hand.  "It will be great publicity for you and the studio..."  Brian agreed.

"I know he writes a lot for Melody Maker and Middle Eight magazine..."  Roger explained as he glanced at the clock.  He saw Brian needed to go if he wanted to be on time for work.  He gripped Brian's hand and smiled at him.  "You need to go or you'll be late..."  Brian nodded as he slid off the desk.  They shared a kiss and then let go of each others hands.  

"Oh!"  Brian said as he went to walk out.  "My insurance agent called this claim is final and I am picking up my check after work today..."  

"That's great news..."  Roger told him as he smiled at Brian.  

"Yeah...I can start to put that behind me...move on from it..."  Brian commented.  Roger walked up to him and they shared a lingering kiss.  Brian turned to leave.  "See ya tonight..."  Brian said and disappeared out of the office doorway.  Roger watched him leave and sighed.  He was glad that Brian could close that chapter of his life.   Like Roger was closing his on The Cross.  Roger walked out of the office and headed for their living quarters.  He could use a fresh cup of coffee and a few hours of writing.


Brian rushed from the school office to the classroom where he would be teaching.  He wanted to get into the room and look over the lesson plan Mrs. Dalton left behind.  He laughed to himself as he remembered the all too personal information the school secretary had shared with him about why Mrs. Dalton was going to be off work for six weeks.  He had never wanted to know that much about a woman's reproductive process and why a woman of her age might need a hysterectomy.  He placed his bag on the desk and hung up his jacket.  Brian adjusted his jumper as he sat down and found the lesson plan notebook in the center of the desk.  

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