Pink Cadillac...

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It had been a week since Brian had fallen and maybe he had fallen in more ways than one.  Roger had turned out to be a knight in shining armor.  As a man Brian never thought once in his life he might need rescuing but he did.  And while Roger was a dashing rock and roll prince who had swept him off his feet he knew this man was also flesh and blood.  And boy did he know about the flesh part.  His introduction to Roger's body had been spontaneous and a little bold but it had also been fun and a great distraction to his incapacitation.

Brian was doing better and was already showered and dressed when Deacy stopped by on his way home from the shop.  Roger had left earlier to run some errands and pick up some more clothes from home so he wasn't there.  Since Deacy had a key, he let himself in and found Brian comfortably relaxing on his chaise.

"Still enjoying your throne my liege?"  Deacy teased as he came into the living room and placed the deposit slip and the business mail on the table.  Brian smirked at him.

"I do feel a bit like royalty..."  Brian remarked as Deacy leaned against the wall and grinned at his friend.

"So I have to ask...since we're alone..."  Deacy had a gleam in his eye.  "Does that throne make you the prince or the princess in this relationship?"  he questioned as he pointed to Brian's fancy seating.  Brian wasn't entirely sure what he meant.

"What do you mean?"  Brian asked with his naivety on full display.  Deacy adored how innocent Brian was at times.  

"To be blunt...would you be giving or receiving in this situation?"  Deacy asked and gestured at him by making a hole with one of his hands and running his finger through it.  Brian's eyebrows raised at the clarification.  

"We haven't got that far with things..."  Brian replied meekly and still felt a little awkward speaking of this topic with his friend.  It was new territory for them.  Despite being the older person of the two, it seemed like Deacy could run circles around him sex wise.  

"So you don't know if he expects you to bend over and take it or if he wants you to give it to him...huh?"  Deacy questioned.  Brian realized they had not had this discussion and began to wonder what Roger preferred.  What he expected of him.

"To be honest...I don't know...we haven't had that discussion yet..."  Deacy looked surprised.  He knew Roger was hot for his friend and Brian had seemed eager for more intimacy after their frank talk and viewing of the porn tape. 

"Have you at least enjoyed his banana yet?"  Deacy said in a teasing manner.  Brian blushed and only nodded and Deacy clasped his hands together and felt proud of his friend.  At least they had got this far.  Deacy clapped his hands and beamed at his friend.  "I'm glad to hear our training paid off..."  Deacy said and winked at Brian.   They shared a knowing look between them and Brian noticed that his mate had a large purplish mark on his neck that was unmistakably a love bite.

"Uh Deaks..."  Brian raised his hand and pointed at his friend.  "Care to explain how you got that enormous hickey on your neck?"  Deacy's face went red and he placed a hand over his throat as he realized he forgot to cover up his bites with makeup this morning.  He had run late and meant to put some concealer over it.   He smiled coyly at his friend and expelled some nervous laughter.

"I prefer not to say..."  was his only response.  This was a surprise to Brian.  He leaned forward from his reclined position and gave him an admonishing look.  It wasn't like him to be evasive about who he is dating.  

"Since when are you so tight lipped about your liaisons?"  Brian asked him.  Deacy remained coy and decided it was time to go.  He needed to get home and call Freddie anyway.  

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