Tall Cool One...

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Brian was finishing the touch ups on the paint in the studio breakroom when there was a tap on the door.   He didn't turn from his spot on the step ladder.

"It's open..." Brian declared and the door opened to reveal Roger standing there.  He smiled at the sight of his boyfriend in a form fitting tank top/vest and skimpy cotton shorts that revealed a whole lot of leg.  Standing on a step ladder that put his body on display for whomever entered the room.

"Well don't you look good enough to eat?" Roger remarked as he leaned in the doorway.  Brian snickered at Roger's flirtation and focused on the last few swipes at a thin spot in the paint.

"Just doing some touch ups..."  Brian told him as he turned to face the blond.  Roger finally pulled his eyes away from Brian and surveyed the room.   He had to admit that Brian had done an admirable job with the painting.  It looked as good as what a pro would have done in his eyes.

"I think I owe you a bonus!"  Roger told him as Brian stepped down from the ladder.  "You turned out to be quite the painter!"  Brian grinned at the compliment.  

"How about a kiss instead?"  Brian suggested.  Roger walked towards him and Brian leaned down to accept his reward.  They parted and Roger remembered why he came in to see him.

"Hey!  They finished!  The studio is ready to go!"  Roger exclaimed.  Brian's face lit up at the news. 

"Wonderful!"  Brian responded.  "Let me clean this up and change clothes and you can show me everything.

"Alright...I need to return a phone call...meet me in the office when you're ready..."  Roger replied.  Brian quickly sealed up the paint and and gathered his supplies. He carried everything to the storage room on the lower floor and then took the stairs up to their living quarters.  Brian was excited to see everything in the studio.  He had stayed away from it to give Roger space to oversee the renovations.  Now it was finally done and the workmen would be gone.  He was ready for some semblance of quiet.  Their home had been filled with construction noise for weeks.  Brian stripped off his painting clothes and tossed them in the hamper.  He freshened up in the bathroom and walked to the bedroom for some clean clothes.  Brian noticed Jesus was spread out on the bed.  

"Jesus..."  Brian said sweetly as he went over and sat on the edge of the bed and stroked the cat's back.  The Siamese watched him and began purring lightly in response.  "Enjoying your afternoon nap?"  he asked him.  The cat rolled over and then stood up on the mattress.  He walked over to nudge his head against Brian's hand.  Ramming his forehead into Brian's knuckles.  "I've got to get downstairs...sorry.."  Brian told him as he got up from the bed and went to the chest of drawers and pulled out a Union Jack t-shirt and some comfy old blue jeans.  Brian got a pair of clogs and slid them on and blew the cat a kiss as he headed down to the office.

Brian found Roger looking annoyed as he spoke on the phone.  Roger was wearing a black t-shirt with some jeans and Brian noted how good Roger always looked in black.  Even when annoyed.

"My former manager can say whatever he wants...the truth is that we parted primarily due to creative differences....I would have no qualms working with anyone from The Cross in the future...but I feel my relationship with Evan Adams has come to an end..."  Roger was seated at the desk and was anxiously tapping his fingers on the desk blotter as he spoke.

Brian realized it must have been a journalist on the telephone.  It was apparently questions about The Cross splitting up and Roger's former manager.  Roger looked up at Brian and his face showed a bit of strain.  Suddenly his face softened.  

"I'd love to talk about my future plans..."  Roger suddenly said; looking brighter.  "I'm beginning work on a solo album and just finished building my own recording studio..."  Brian was heartened to hear excitement in his voice.   "I converted an old church building and the work was completed today as a matter of fact..."  Roger smiled at Brian and he returned one as he remained standing in the doorway.

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