I'm Coming Out!

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"Would you care to explain what that was all about?"  Ruth asked her son as they stood at his open window.  Brian's head had been in the clouds but Roger was gone and his mother was glaring at him.  He was quickly coming down from his high.  Before he answered her, Brian shut the window and locked it.  He turned to face her as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.  Looking dismayed at what she just witnessed.   Brian went to say something but stopped as his mother pointed at the window.  "Was that him?"  she questioned.  "Was that Roger?"  Brian's butterflies were disssolving and had morphed into a feeling of a lead weight in his chest.

"Yes...that was Roger..." Brian answered quietly. His mother looked indignant.

"And why did he feel the need to show up after dark and stand outside your window and play loud music that woke me up along with half the neighborhood?"  she asked him with a tone of complete annoyance.  "Was he drunk?"  she questioned.  "Is he on drugs?"  she demanded to know.  Brian hated this.  She was apparently oblivious to the romantic aspect of what he just did.  The fact of this made Brian a bit angry. 

"He doesn't take drugs!"  Brian declared and left out the fact that he used to.  He wasn't going to comment on the possibility of him being drunk because he wasn't quite sure.  "Look!  He wanted to play me a song and he said he wrote it for me!"  Brian explained to her.  As he recalled the song a smirk appeared on his face.  It did nothing to quell his mother's irritation.

"A phone call or a polite knock on the door wouldn't suffice?"  she argued back.  Brian sighed heavily and knew this conversation was getting them nowhere.  

"Mum!  It was a surprise!  He showed up!  He's already played the song!  It's over and he's gone!  Alright?"  Brian practically shouted as he began to lose patience with her.  His volume jarred her a bit.  She looked down and fidgeted with the belt on her robe and glanced at the window again.  Realizing Brian was shutting down the conversation.  She knew that Brian actually found this situation romantic and some type of grand gesture.  It frightened her to realize that her argument about Brian being infatuated with this man simply because he was a pop star was a moot point.  She let out a sigh in defeat.

"This is it?  Isn't it?"  she questioned to her only child in a calmer voice.  "You're in love with this man and you're gay..."  she declared.  Brian could not deny the truth to himself or his mother.  

"I am in love with him..."  Brian confirmed as he reached out and took her hands and smiled warmly at her.  Appreciating her being serious but not really angry anymore.  "I guess that makes me gay..."  he confessed.

"Well he is apparently in love with you..."  his mother said with a touch of humor.  "So much so he felt he needed the entire street to know..." she said with amusement.  They both chuckled at the thought.

"Sorry about that..."  Brian replied.  His mother pulled him in for a hug.  Feeling uncertain about how her relationship with her son works going forward.  She wasn't sure how to be a mother to a gay son.  

"I guess my bigger problem is not knowing what to do going forward..."  she remarked.  "How does this work son?"  she questioned with concern.  "I mean...I don't know anything about gay people...I've nothing against them...I don't know anything except it's two men instead of a man and a woman..."  she tried to explain to him. 

"Mum!"  Brian said with tenderness.  "I think you just summed it up well..."  he informed her.  "It's me in a relationship just like I might have been with a woman...except the only real difference is I happen to be with a man..."   he told her.  

"Forgive me if I'm not ready for the details...."  she remarked back and Brian knew she was referring to the sexual aspect of the relationship.  "To be honest...I wouldn't want the details if you were with a woman either..."  she confessed.  They both laughed at the normal discomfort a parent has with their adult child in talking about sex. 

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