I Wanna Testify

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Roger stepped out of the taxi and took the stairs to Brian's flat.  He had the key and let himself in.  Deacy was folding the cleaned up bedclothes he had pulled from the laundrette downstairs as Roger appeared.

"How is he?" Roger asked as he set he left his suitcase near the hallway.  Deacy picked up the stack of linens.  

"Still sound asleep...that pain pill really knocked him out..." Deacy replied as he placed the items into the hall closet.  "He needs to eat something when he wakes so he can have another pill..."  the younger man explained.  Roger had gone to the corner market earlier and grabbed some essentials for a few days; so he could easily prepare them some food.

"Okay...you showed me where everything is so it shouldn't be a problem..."  Roger informed him.  Deacy smiled at him gratefully.  He was so glad someone could be here for Brian so he could keep the record shop open.  It was the best thing for both of them financially and he also knew that Roger getting to spend some quality time with his dear friend would bode well for their relationship.  Deacy walked over to the kitchen counter and Roger followed.

"Here is my home phone number and the shop number and also Brian's mother's number as well...I'm not sure when she gets back...but just in case..."  Deacy explained.  "I'll be at the shop each morning around 9 since we open at 10 and then I'll leave by 6:30 each night..."  Roger listened to him explain his schedule but noted Deacy had jotted down this information as well.  He admired how organized and thoughtful he was.

"Alright....you know where we'll be...right here..."  Roger said to inject some humor.  Deacy grinned at him and reached over for his bag.

"I'm going to head out...if you need anything...just let me know..."  Deacy said as he headed towards the door.  Roger followed with a smile.

"Hey...you're his best friend...right?"  Roger asked.  The younger man smiled widely and nodded.

"Yes...I am..."  he replied.  Roger stuck his hands in his pockets and looked a little nervous.

"Any advice on winning him over?"  Roger humbly asked.  Deacy saw Roger in a different light in this moment.  He wasn't the confident rock star and sex idol....he was a regular guy trying to figure out how to capture Brian's heart.  Deacy instantly warmed to the notion of his best friend getting serious with this unusual man.  He also recalled his conversation with Brian from earlier that day so he had to say something.

"Two things..."  Deacy began and Roger's faced showed he was listening.  "First - be serious when you talk about your feelings with him...Brian can be pretty sensitive about that..."  Deacy felt this was the only way to convey that Roger shouldn't tell Brian he loves him unless he completely means it and only in a direct serious manner.  Roger nodded understanding.

"Okay...the other?"  Roger inquired eagerly.  

"You have to take him as he is...don't try and change him...he won't like it..."  Deacy informed him.  Roger looked a little uncertain about what he meant.

"I don't follow you...what do you mean exactly?"  Deacy sighed lightly and tried to figure out how best to explain this.

"It seems you really like Brian...so I hope you do like him for exactly who he is..."  Deacy began.  "Brian is a one off....he isn't like most other guys...he has some odd interests and he can be a little eccentric at times..."  Deacy hoped he was conveying it right. 

"I do like him exactly for who he is...actually...I agree...Brian is a one off...in the best possible way..."  Roger responded with an enthusiastic tone.  Deacy liked hearing this and smiled widely at the charming man.

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