New Years Day...

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"When they announce your name I need you to walk out there and stand on your mark..."  the director explained to Brian and pointed to the red X on the floor.  "Kitty will congratulate you and ask you the questions we went over and then she will finish up and I will yell cut...alright?" he asked and Brian nodded.  It was simple enough and he tried to swallow his nerves as the director walked back to take his place beside the camera.  Roger gave him an encouraging look as he watched from the sidelines.  Brian took a deep breath and let it out.  He felt odd having his hair styled professionally and makeup applied.  Sure he had done this for party on the island but this was for work.  His new job.  His new career.  It was just so surreal and happening way too fast.

"Now is the moment we've been waiting for..."  Brian heard Kitty say excitedly as she spoke into the camera in front of her.  "The winner of our MTV/Ford Songwriting contest is a Londoner who used to own a record shop but dreamed of making his own music one day...his winning submission is for a song titled 'Driven By You'...and his name is Brian May!"  she announced as she turned and applauded and Brian realized he was supposed to start walking out to stand on his mark.  As he processed this inside his head he was interrupted by the director.

"Cut!"  he shouted.  Brian turned and looked at the director as he sighed and pointed at Brian.   "You are supposed to walk out to Kitty as soon as she says your name..."  the director reminded him.  Brian felt bad for messing up and nodded understanding.  

"Sorry...I've got it now..."  Brian assured him.  The director gestured to the cameraman and then signaled Kitty.  She instantly smiled at the camera and repeated her lines.  

"And his name is Brian May!"  she finally said and Brian hurriedly walked over to her side and felt his insides quake as she pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek.  It felt fake but he went along with it.  He smiled nervously and remembered to look at her and the camera as the director has mentioned earlier.  Why was this so hard?  

"Congratulations Brian!"  Kitty declared as they parted from the hug and he smiled at her.

"Thanks..."  he replied and hoped he didn't sound as shaky as he felt.  Kitty kept hold of his hand as she continued.

"Your song was chosen above the over 1000 submissions by a panel of judges from MTV and Ford does it make you feel to know you won?"  she asked him. 

"It's a bit overwhelming but exciting and I hope I do MTV and Ford proud with my song..."  Brian answered.  

"You've not only won the song competition but your prize includes a brand new 1985 Ford EXP sports car and you're recording your song at Abbey Road Studios!"  Kitty announced and Brian's excitement was genuine.  He had only learned about recording at the famous studio when he arrived for his taping today.

"It's amazing!"  Brian agreed.

"You've got a lot to celebrate this New Years you have any resolutions for 1985?"  Kitty asked him.  He smiled at her.

"I hope to be successful with my single and hopefully make an album..."  he replied enthusiastically.  

"Are you headed out to celebrate tonight?"  Kitty then asked and he nodded.

"Yes!"  he confirmed.  "I am going to Freddie and Deacy Mercury's New Years party..."  he revealed.  Not only had Freddie okayed him mentioning the party, he practically insisted on it.  He wanted the people that weren't invited to be aware of the hottest party in London that night.

"That's sounds like a fantastic way to ring in the New Year!"  Kitty concurred.   "Well the best of luck to you Brian and we look forward to not only hearing your song in the new Ford car commercial but also hearing the single and the world premiere of the music video right here on MTV Europe..."   Brian accepted another kiss on the cheek from her and he smiled and waved.

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