What I Like About You..

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Brian couldn't focus on his accounting and tried shake out the distractions filling his head.  He sipped his fruit smoothee that he bought at the bakery and returned his eyes to the receipts in front of him.  This was important so he tried to let go of the intrusive thoughts and began adding up the figures.  He knew the biggest mistake he made was placing a record from The Cross on the store's turntable.  But the sound of Roger's voice was keeping him awake.  Keeping him company as he did yesterday's sales tally.  He scribbled down the results and was quite happy as he looked over the figures.  He moved over to his ledger and wrote down everything in the appropriate fields.  Out of curiosity he was going to check last year's ledger so see how much of an increase he had for this year's Record Day sales.  He smiled widely at his good fortune and thought about his good luck from the day before.  Without being aware of it he ran his hand over his chest where the backstage pass had been pressed into his breast by Roger's firm hand.  Brian recalled the amazing journey to Paris and back and the incredible performance he witnessed from Bowie.  But mostly he reminisced about the adventure of it all and subsequent kisses he shared with Roger.  His fingers moved across his lips and he felt self conscious about it as he pulled his hand away and got back to his accounting.  He was closing his book when he heard the door get unlocked and saw Deacy coming in the store.  They exchanged sleepy smiles as Deacy carried his oversized soda and his messenger bag around the counter.

  They exchanged sleepy smiles as Deacy carried his oversized soda and his messenger bag around the counter

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"Morning..."  Deacy said in a cheery voice despite looking half awake.   "How are you this fine Sunday?" 

"Alright.....and you?"  Brian asked as placed the receipts from yesterday in an envelope.

"Pretty good considering I was out late last night..."  Deacy boasted.

"And what were you up to young man?"  Brian questioned with amusement.  No matter how tired his friend might be he always seemed to be a in a good mood in the morning.  It was something Brian envied.  He didn't care much for the early hours, even if early for Sunday was 11 am.  Deacy wore a proud smile as he sipped his Sprite.

"I might have come straight to work from a bed that was not my own...." he announced and raised his own eyebrows as Brian did the same.

"You're such a slut Deaks!"  Brian joked and Deacy scoffed at him.

"I never said I fucked someone!"  he argued.  Brian purposely played the remorseful card despite it being in jest.

"Sorry!"  he replied in a mocking tone.  Deacy just rolled his eyes and sighed.

"No you're not and besides....at least one of us needs to see some action!"  Deacy claimed.  Brian's face felt a little warm and his body tingled at the thought of kissing Roger last night.   But he wasn't telling his friend a thing.  Brian decided to turn his attention to counting the money out for the till as Deacy walked his bag to the back office.  He soon returned without his coat and was running his hand over his head to fluff his hair.  "Hey!  How's your mother's car?"  Deacy asked him as he walked over towards the turntable.   The record had finished playing.

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