I Could Be Happy...

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Two Months Later

Freddie raised his champagne glass up as he looked at his beloved husband and their dearest friends.  They were all seated at an exclusive table in an exclusive restaurant in the heart of London and he felt elation as he prepared to toast his dinner guests.

"First - a toast to Brian!"  Freddie announced as he glanced at the tall man seated next to his best friend.  "A man who would rather be loved by one man than be adored by millions!"  he proclaimed with a proud smile.  "Someone smart enough to know when to walk away from the madness before it drives you mad!"  he added with a wink and Brian blushed a little at his compliment but smiled back.

"Thanks Freddie!"  Brian replied.  Roger leaned into Brian and they shared an understanding smile.  Both of them content with Brian's decision.  

"And to Roger!"  Freddie continued as he locked eyes with his best friend.  "A man who spread his wings and flew away from misery to land in a place of happiness!"  he declared.  "And also landed himself a number one single!"  he said with delight.

"I think I had a bit of help from you to make it the success it is!"  Roger reminded him.  Trying to be humble in the midst of his achievement.   Freddie shook his head at him dismissively.

"The glory is all yours my dear!"  he retorted.  Roger blew him a kiss and Freddie beamed at him.  He then looked over at his beloved.  His husband.

"And to my darling Deacy!"  Freddie said with immense pride and patted his hand over his heart. "A man who had his own MTV series bought for him but managed to get solid enough ratings for the network to pick it up and give him a contract!"  he announced with delight.  Deacy smiled his wide tooth grin at his other half.  Feeling special and feeling proud of his show's success.

"What about you?"  Deacy suddenly asked him.  "We should toast you for something!"  he suggested.  Freddie looked touched and then his eyes lit up.

"To me then!"  he said.  "A man who has been everything!"  he looked around at the men at the table.  "An amazing career....the best friends a man could ask for...and the love of my family and the love of a man who has made everything I have so much sweeter..."  he said with gratitude.  

"To us!"  Roger said and they all shared a warm smile and moved their glasses in to touch and to celebrate.  The men all took a drink and savored the good fortune of where they were in life.  Freddie as successful as ever with his career and happily settled with his husband.  Deacy building an identity of his own in the music world but still completely at home with being the other Mr. Mercury.  Roger had reached the top spot on the charts with 'Rock It' and was preparing to release his new album.  And Brian had lucked out with a clause in his Virgin Records contract that allowed him to bow out of the offer with minimal financial damage.  He had told Ford to keep the new car and was never happier to be out of the spotlight.

The men finished their meal and left the restaurant.  They parted ways at the door and Freddie and Deacy headed for their Kensington Manor and Roger and Brian took the hired car to their own sanctuary.  Both were a little tipsy and just enjoyed some quiet after a rowdy dinner with their friends.  Roger slid his hand into Brian's on the seat and the tall man turned and smiled at him.

"It was a nice dinner..."  Brian remarked and enjoyed Roger's fingers rubbing the top of his hand.  

"It was..."  Roger agreed as he gazed into the warm hazel eyes of his fiancee.  "It was good to see them since I'm going to be so busy over the next month or two...and they're off on holiday..."  he replied.  

Happiness....A Different Kind of Maylor Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now