Let's Get Married! - Part 1

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"This is crazy!"  Brian declared as he stood at the edge of the pad and looked at the helicopter waiting for him and Roger and Freddie and Deacy.  Roger grinned and took his hand.

"No...it's fun!"  Roger argued back with glee as he began pulling Brian to the waiting transport.  Freddie and Deacy followed and were laughing as they all ducked low to go under the large blades.  Roger got in first and Brian followed him.  Freddie helped Deacy into the copter and then he took a seat next to his husband as the door was closed and they began buckling themselves in.

"You ready?"  the pilot asked as he leaned over and looked at his passengers.  The men finished clamping their belts and Roger gave him a thumbs up.  Brian closed his eyes and squeezed Roger's hand as the helicopter began to lift off the ground.

"This was a brilliant idea!"  Freddie remarked as they looked out the windows to see themselves ascending into the air.  

"It was the only way I could think to keep the press from following us..."  Roger reminded him.  He turned his attention to his fiance and leaned closer to him.

"We're almost up...open your eyes..."  Roger asked him.  "It's fine and nothing is going to happen.."  he told Brian with confidence in his voice. 

"I've had dozens of rides over the years...it's pretty safe and Patrick is an experienced pilot..."  Roger assured Brian.  The tall man slowly opened his eyes but kept a tight grip on Roger's hand.  

"See..."  Roger told him as Brian looked around and found Freddie and Deacy peering out the windows. Looks of wonder on their faces.

"Check out the view Bri!  It's amazing!"  Deacy exclaimed as he gestured at the window.  Brian admired that his friend was fearless.  He had been unsure about flying to their wedding locale via helicopter.  Freddie and Roger had both used them before and promised it would be safe.  And they had been tailed by hungry journalists and photographers for the past few weeks.  Trying to find out when and were they were getting married.  It was the best way to lose them.

Brian finally looked over and took a glance out the window.  He could see the ground far below them and an expansive view of the sights of London.  Tall buildings and miles of motorway.  There were large patches of greenery and the horizon seemed endless as they flew north.  He let out a breath and loosened his death grip on Roger's hand.

"It's pretty cool..."  Roger remarked as he leaned over Brian's side.  Watching him see the world from a new viewpoint.  Brian found a small smile for his betrothed and turned to look at him.

"It is..."  Brian agreed and leaned in to share a quick kiss with Roger before resuming his gazing out the window.

This moment felt surreal to Brian.  It was something he could have never imagined a few years back. At that time he was engrossed in running his record shop. His dating life was a mild disaster and the best things in his life were his friend Deacy, his mother and watching MTV. Now he was riding in a car seated next to the man who would become his husband in less than 24 hours. And he was as happy as he could ever expect to be. He reached over and slid his hand into Roger's and smiled at him. Loving how his blond hair glowed in the light coming in from the window. Loving that he would spend the rest of his days with this incredible man.

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