Mother's Talk....

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A/N - I started writing this chapter on Sunday, June 6th and selected the title Mother's Talk for it because of the content you will find below.  Without knowing, the subject of this chapter would become quite personal for me.  My mother collapsed that evening and died the next morning.  I am shocked and stunned by her unexpected passing.  My comfort is knowing she didn't suffer and that she knew how much she was loved by her friends and family.  

This chapter is dedicated to the woman who inspired me and who loved me just as I am.  I will forever be grateful for -  her sweet Mother love....


"Our next guests are here to talk about a new project they are announcing on our program today..."   Kelly stated to the camera with a smile.  "Please welcome Freddie and Deacy Mercury..."  she announced as she turned to face her guests.  The two men were seated together on a small sofa smiling widely.  

"Thank you Kelly..."  they both said said politely.  

"So you have a new project in the works and want to announce what it is this morning..."  Kelly advised.  The men wore excited expressions and nodded to her.

"That's right...we're here to announce the arrival of the first lifestyle magazine for the gay man in Britain!"  Freddie declared. Kelly was surprised.

"That is exciting!"  Kelly responded.  "What made you decide to do a magazine?"  she asked.  Freddie nudged Deacy to answer.

"There isn't anything being offered to the gay man regarding fashion, relationships, decorating, entertaining, advice....even parenting!"  Deacy replied.  "We thought the time was right to provide a place to go to get all these things that are written with the gay man in mind!"  he explained.  

"It sounds like you are really going to cover everything a woman's magazine might offer..."  Kelly remarked.  Deacy nodded agreement.

"Yes...we will have features for all those things and will cover big events in the gay world...such as the passage of the Civil Union act and all the weddings now being planned out there!"  he advised.  "There isn't a forum for the gay couple to get help with planning their big day...we hope to offer some guidance for that and also highlight some actual weddings in future issues..."  he said with enthusiasm. Kelly smiled at him.  

"You both were married on the now infamous Mooi Island last year...and that marriage isn't recognized here in you plan to have another wedding to make it legal?"  she asked the couple.

"We've had our big soiree dear and are focused on our relationship now...we do plan to have a ceremony so we are legally wed but it will be a quiet affair..."  Freddie answered as he gave his husband an affection glance.  

"What can we expect in the first issue and do you have a name for your magazine?"  Kelly inquired.  Deacy perked up at the question.

"The magazine will be called 'Swish!' "  Deacy announced with pride.  

"We are going to feature two couples who are planning their is high profile and the other are two men who have been a couple for many years and are elated at the chance to finally get married..."  Freddie revealed.  

"We will also have a guide to gay shopping in London and some fun things about entertaining this upcoming holiday season..."  Deacy added.  

"I know you are raising a child that came into your care said there would be a feature about that right?"  Kelly asked next.  Deacy beamed at the question.

"Yes...there will be a regular feature about parenting..."  he confirmed.  "Not only do we plan to talk about issues with parenting but also about the challenges gay men face in wanting to become parents..."  he advised.  

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